Thursday 14 August 2014

Private counselling seems to be the way to go.

Many of you know I have been on the waiting list for counselling for 6 months now.

I understand that there is a demand for this service given the current financial climate and the unemployment rates etc being high, however, some people have been waiting for 12 months sometimes more. This is not acceptable.

So I am looking at the possibility at going for private counselling.  Sadly it is not cheap. £40 per hour might not sound like much but when you have two young children (one is starting school) its a lot.

There are many different counsellors out there who offer services such as CBT, couples counselling, bereavement counselling and so on.

It is worth it if you really need it and do not want to wait on the NHS to send you.  Some offer help over the phone, online and even come to your home or workplace.

I an waiting to hear from a few different counsellors to see who can offer the help I need.


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