Thursday 28 January 2016

Thank You BuzzFeed

The above picture is how you imagine a person that is living with depression looks isn't it? Lonely, head in their hands and surrounded by darkness.  In a way you are right, they do feel surrounded with a darkness only they can see but to the outside world they look totally different.

Click on this link, which will take you to the video that Buzzfeed posted yesterday

After watching this video that was posted by BuzzFeed on their Facebook page, has your outlook changed? Be honest, you thought it was the main character didn't you? I would say at least 95% of people did. No-one gave a thought to the man in the background who looked happy and said good morning and good night every day.

That is how many people living with depression come across as, the happy go lucky person who is loving life yet on the inside they are screaming but don't want to tell anyone that they are feeling low and completely lost. Yes he has a job, money, a home, clothes on his back and food in his belly but that does not make him "immune". Depression can hit anyone no matter how much or how little you have in life.

There are so many different causes and a lot of people are totally unaware of them.  So today I am going to list them.

  • Life events - This includes divorce, losing a job or another traumatic experience
  • Loss - Losing someone close to you.
  • Illness - Certain health conditions can cause depression such as menopause, lifelong illness
  • Side effects from medication - Have a look at the leaflet that comes with your medication
  • Genetics - It can run in families.
Like I have already said, you can everything in the world you have ever wanted or you can have nothing.

If anyone you know is feeling low please support them, listen to them, attend any doctor appointments with them.  Knowing they have someone there will go a long way in helping them.

I also want to thank BuzzFeed for sharing this video on Facebook - You are really helping to raise awareness and for that I am truly grateful.


  1. I have stopped juding people with depression. I never looked like one and on the inside I was dying

    1. So many people still judge and think when you have everything you have no "right" to be depressed. It is a dark, lonely and scary place to be. Like you, I didnt look depressed on the outside, on the inside it was another story x

  2. The more awareness there is of depression the better, it really does effect everyone and anyone.

    1. I am so grateful to BuzzFeed for this video as it will go a long way in making a very important point. Like you say, it affects everyone and anyone and more people need to realise this x

  3. I have no personal experience of depression and I think for people like me who haven't ever had to deal with it then it can be difficult to understand and posts like this are really important to make me think about it.

    I would never judge someone but I don't think I understand it as much as I should so thank you x x

    1. Before I experienced it myself, I never understood what it really was, but like yourself, I didn't judge anyone who was living with it as I did know it was a very real illness.

      I am so grateful for people like yourself who do not understand what it is like but want to educate themselves about it, so thank you!! xx

  4. Depression is so hard to get through. In the really low moments I spent days on my couch crying and wanting to just disappear. Even today when everything is "ok" I know one wrong move and I'm back to rock bottom. It's scary as hell. Your post is so important, and helps raising awareness to this hard hard condition. Thank you for writing it :)

    1. It is such a hard place to be in. Like yourself, I spent days crying and just wanting to vanish. Just remember you are stronger than depression :)
      I am here if you ever need someone to talk to xx

  5. There's still so much more that needs to be done to help people understand depression and mental health and sharing videos like this that challenge perception is a good start.

    1. It was my sister that shared it on her timeline and after watching it (and sharing on Facebook) I felt I had to share it on here too. It sends such an important message and I can only hope people take notice x

  6. After suffering for many years it is great that is so much more awareness about it nowadays but so many victims go unnoticed sadly. :(

    1. I agree, as much as there is more information and awareness, people are still slipping through the net and it is heartbreaking. I watched Casualty a couple of weeks ago where a man presented at a&e admitting he felt suicidal and he was sent to wait in reception after the doctor was needed on a more urgent case. He took his life in the end. Yes that is just a TV programme but is so true to life. The BBC where getting that message out too x

  7. Such an interesting video. And really important topic to get across. Depression slips under the radar far too often. Thanks for posting this.

    1. thank you for your kind words. Such a hard topic to talk about but awareness is needed x

  8. I think there is more awareness out there these days which is helping people get the help they need

    1. I agree there is a lot more awareness and it is great to see x
