Tuesday 9 February 2016

Children's Mental Health Week

From the 8th - 14th February marks Children's mental health week. The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of children’s mental health charity Place2Be, has recorded a message to help launch Children’s Mental Health Week 2016.

The theme for this year is building resilience and teaching them how to cope with and come back from challenges they will face in life.  This is hard for an adult so you can only imagine how much harder it will be for a child, however with that said, you will find that sometimes issues as an adult can stem from a childhood incident, bullying for example or from a traumatic time.  Dealing with any problems a child has, no matter how tiny it seems to you, will go a long way in showing them how to deal with the issue and move forward, which in turn, will help them as adults too.

Here are some statistics (England) that Place2Be have given me to share with you all, along with a touching quote.

I find the quote from a young child so inspiring.  It shows that she is thinking of others, how they feel and wants to help them. From an 8 year old that is incredible.  If only more adults thought that way.

Children will face many horrible situations, some unavoidable, for example the death of a loved one. Some, however, will be faced with being bullied which is avoidable if the schools do something about it.  No matter what the situation there are ways to help your child deal with them and come out the other side stronger than ever.

Here are some tips from Place2Be on helping your child.

  • Let them know it is perfectly normal to feel upset or angry sometimes.
  • Make time for fun or down time with your children to create balance.
  • Allow your child to learn from their own mistakes.
  • Get advice and support if you are worried about a change in your child.
These are very simple tips, that I admit, I may overlook at times for example trying to get that down time when there is so much to be done while my husband is out at work and I am alone with the children.  

I have always told them that they can talk to me and their dad about anything and we will do our best to help them.  My son had some trouble settling into Primary 2 and was finding the rough play with his friends too much, even though he was involved.  It took a few weeks to get to the bottom of it all and a few conversations with him and the school before we sorted it but now he is happy and everything has calmed down for him.

Yes it was upsetting seeing him so angry and frustrated but we explained everyone gets angry at times and it is fine but it is always good to talk about why.

Ways to get involved with Children's Mental Health week.

You could send out a simple tweet - Love @Place2Be's #ChildrensMHW - building resilience helping children to bounce forward from lifes difficulties http://ow.ly/XAaTg

You can donate here or by texting: CMHW16 £5 to 70070 to give £5.


Here are a few ideas:
Dress Down Day
Spacehopper Bounce-athon
Office Bake-Off
Six Nations Rugby Sweepstake

Please feel free to share this post.  

If you have noticed a difference in your child please seek advice.  Chances are it is something simple and easy to sort but to a child a small problem feels like a massive problem and it may scare them so let them know you are there for them no matter what, it will make all the difference.


  1. This is a great post to raise awareness. Just giving a smile, hug or listening ear can mean so much to anyone, but especially children who may not have the words yet to articulate their emotions.

    1. As you say a simple hug or a smile can mean so much x

  2. What a great charity, I've been talking with my son a lot this week about how to deal with your emotions x

    1. They are wonderful. It can be hard getting a child to open up but there does come a stage where we need to let them know it is ok. I hope it all went well?x

  3. What a brilliant post to raise awareness. I was completely oblivious to some of these facts and figures which are quite shocking!

    1. The figures are scary. I think every school should have someone on site who is trained in dealing with Children's emotional problems. Our son's school has a psychologist linked to it but she isn't in the building if you need her you are given a phone number and it's just luck if you can get hold of her. Children are much more vulnerable and that support needs to be there for them so those issues don't carry on into adulthood

  4. It can be really hard to talk to children about their emotions as they sometimes don't know how to express their feeling. I had that with my son it was hard. I hope your niece is ok and feel free to message me at any time x

  5. I have to say that our school is brilliant and works closely with local agencies but others are not so lucky

    1. I am glad to hear your school has a good support network, just wish it was the same for every school

  6. Such an important charity. We have a counsellor on site in our school, it's a shame that this can't happen in all schools.

    1. Their work is incredible and so important to many. That is fantastic that you have a counsellor on site! Like you I wish it could happen in every school.

  7. Lovely awareness post, my kids school offer Place2Be and my daughter uses it. We've had a lot of upset recently that she is finding difficult to handle and found it really useful to offload. (we were told that once she started talking she wouldn't stop!)

    1. Sorry to hear you have been through a hard time but I am glad to read that your daughter's school works with Place2Be and I hope it has helped her x

  8. I really feel like I should get involved with this charity, my son was diagnosed with depression at 14 and continues to struggle now he is 19. I'm going to have a look at how I can help x

    1. I am sure there will be a way, that suits you, to get involved. Sorry to hear that your son is going through this but he will get there. If you ever need someone to talk to you can send me a message even if you just need a rant x

  9. Great post. Having school counsellors available one day a week or less is crazy, there should always be someone available in my opinion....

    1. I agree, they need to be there more or have an appointed person who has been trained to deal with such needs

  10. SO important x I am with you 100 %

    1. I just wish every school had a counsellor/psychologist x

  11. Fab awareness post. Children have so many extra pressures and stresses and it is brilliant agencies like this are around to provide support in times of difficulty x

    1. I think some people forget that children are affected by stress and pressure as they don't always show it in the same way as an adult. Their work is so so important x
