Monday 5 June 2017

Altered Sky - The Interview

Picture taken by James Hamilton - 25th May 2017

As a music lover, I am always looking out for new bands to listen to.  Even better if they are local. Recently, a fantastic band from Glasgow competed in the Hard Rock Rising Battle of the bands and they won!! Let me introduce you to Altered Sky.

Their  wonderful and very talented singer Ana Nowosielska took some time out to answer some questions for me.  

1. For those who have not heard of you yet, how did Altered Sky begin?

  We formed in 2010 when I (Ana) met Amy and Ross. I had written a lot of material and the 3 of us were like aaaaaaa so excited about it so we decided to push forward together and start Altered Sky.

2. Who is your biggest influence musically?

  There are MANY but my biggest influence is probably work by Nobuo Uematsu, Akira Yamaoka and more recently Mallory Knox.

3. How would you describe your music?

   Powerful, "in your face", melodious rock.

4. You have played many gigs now. Where is your favourite place to play?

  The Garage in Glasgow is our clear cut favourite. We have shared some wonderful memories there so a near sold out home town show and we shot our most recent music video for "Livewire" there last summer.

5. Which band(s) would you love to tour with?

   Mallory Knox is a big one for me! Definitely bands like PVRIS, All Time Low.

6. You gained a place in the European heat of Hard Rock Rising. How are you preparing for this? (Really excited for you. Well deserved)

Thanks. It has been insane! We are using all of our time to make an impact on Social Media and certainly connecting with fans worldwide. We really want this and it could make this an even bigger year for Altered Sky.

7. For those wanting to follow in your footsteps and make it in the industry, what advice would you give them?

   Never give up. Believe. You are going to hit some really sick times and some really low times in the music world. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Play empty shows, play busy shows, get knocked down, win some, lose some. Wake up the next day a stronger person. Everything you do will guide you onto the next level mentally. Because one day you will be in the right place at the right time ...

I would like to say a massive thank you to Ana for taking the time to answer my questions and I wish Altered Sky good luck in the European final.  

If you want to find out more about this awesome band you can connect with them on Facebook Twitter and over on their website


  1. Oh I love listening to new music. Now I am off to find more songs.

    1. It would be a very boring world without music x

  2. Wow a band interview. I'm hoping once my son starts his music career properly I'll be able to interview his band and others too!

    1. Oohhh that sounds so cool. Wishing him loads of luck. Keep me updated x

  3. Great band name and sounds good :) very rock and roll of you to be featuring band interviews! x

    1. They are brilliant. Aww thanks. I'm such a music lover I wanted to share 🙂 X

  4. Good luck to them in the European finals :)

  5. Best of luck for the European finals! Great post to read.
