Thursday 17 November 2016

Time For An Update.

This is why I love Autumn.

Hi Everyone!! The last month has been a busy one for me and I feel I have neglected my blog a little so it is time for an update.

My degree is going well. I recently passed my first assessment of the year.  I am loving this module so far.  It is certainly much harder than the first module as it is more full on with course content but I am absolutely loving every second of it.  A few headaches along the way though!!

Liam received an award for star writer in his class and he also got an award for 100% attendance for the first term. It was also his first parents night for Primary 3 and he is getting on great. His work is fantastic for a 6 year old. Very proud Mummy right here.

Sophie, now in her pre-school year, is getting on great at nursery.  She loves her arts and crafts and brings a picture or new creation home almost every single day!! Her writing is coming on lovely too and I am going to work on some reading with her too. I can't believe she starts school next year!

James passed his first uni assessment too. His second one is very full on but he is loving it too. I could never do a law degree!!

My petition has now been considered by the Health and Sports Committee and will be discussed further at their meeting on Tuesday 22nd November.  I am very excited about this as it has progressed further than I thought it would.

So that is my update. I hope you are all well and I will be back soon xx


  1. Well done - sounds like you have all been very productive while you have been a bit quiet on the blog.

    1. It certainly has been a busy time. I think I would get bored if I didn't have much to do xx

  2. Definitely a productive month for your whole family! Sounds like things have been hectic but very satisfying.

    1. It has been a blur lol. It wasn't until I actually sat down and thought about it all I noticed just how much we have done. Time runs away sometimes x

  3. You're all doing so well right now - well done on all of your achievements x

    1. Thank you. I can't thank you enough for your support over the last few months xx

  4. Wow sounds like you are doing really well, I admire you for doing a degree. I wish I could afford to x

    1. Thank you. You can get funding to study with Open University. SAAS pay my fees. I study part time though x
