Saturday 23 September 2023

Studying With The Open University


I always felt like I had been missing out on something.  I had been to college and studied Travel and Tourism for 3 years, graduating with a HND in 2001. Returned to college in 2008 to study Access to Social Sciences but something still didn't sit right with me.  Fast forward to 2015, I signed up to The Open University.

I had signed up to a degree in Psychology and studied that for one year but it didn't feel like the right fit for me, I deferred for a year then I transferred my credits over to the BA Health and Social care course, which started in 2017. As I live in Scotland, I am entitled to free education but you don't need to pay fees if you earn under a certain amount each year. The other options you have are to study one module per year or you can choose to study two.  I opted for the one module per year. 

Due to health reasons, I failed a module bur the OU were fantastic in supporting me and getting me back on track.  I passed the next module then the pandemic hit.  My studies were put on the back burner to help my children through home learning, they had to come first. I failed two modules in a row due to the pandemic and bad health.  Again, the OU were incredibly supportive and talked me through the choices that were open to me. I chose to continue my studies.

Next month I officially start my new module - Making A Difference: Working With Children And Young People.  Being honest, I started reading and taking notes as soon as the book arrived last month! I was too excited to wait.

What do I want to get out of the degree? The skills and knowledge to work within mental health. I am not sure in what capacity yet, but that is the goal I have set myself.  It also shows my children it is never too late to go for what you want.

If you are thinking about returning to education but need something that fits around your busy schedule or you want a fresh start, The Open University is the perfect choice. You can find the extensive list of courses here.

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