Tuesday 8 March 2016

My Petition To The Scottish Parliament.

I thought it was time for an update on what I had been up to recently.  Last week we went to the Model Rail Exhibition at the Glasgow SECC.  I had won tickets for the event and along with that I won a limited edition "The Railway Children" train set.  Sadly the next day we all ended up with a horrible tummy bug. Ahh the joys of having children at school and nursery, they bring home all the germs!  There is one big step I have taken and that is the petition I plan on submitting to the Scottish Parliament in May.

In the quarter ending September 2015 only four health boards met the Scottish government’s LDP Standard performance target for psychological therapy treatment, ten fell short of the mark. The health boards were asked to ensure that at least 90% of patients who needed psychological therapies started their treatment within an 18-week period. In the same quarter 13,030 people started their treatment which meant only 81.1% were seen across the whole of Scotland. This means many were left waiting for access to the support they so badly needed.

I put together a proposal and carried out my own research.  As part of my research I opened an online survey so people could tell me about their experiences when approaching their GP in the first instance, asking for referral and what the outcome was.   80% were given a referral, however, half of those people waited 6 months or more for therapy.  It's not only adult service that are missing these targets, CAMHS is also falling short and with so many children slipping through the net it is very worrying. Not every child who needs help needs the intense therapies that CAMHS offer.  Sadly there is no "minimal" therapy available for children and sometimes all they need is someone, like a counsellor, for talking therapy.

I proposed that:

  • Waiting times for adults be reduced to a maximum of 14 weeks for adults and 12 weeks for children.
  • Funding and creation of more support groups (peer support) for those who may not need therapy but still want someone to talk to and to feel supported.
  • Additional training for primary care staff (especially GP's) when dealing with patients who live with mental health conditions.

Yesterday (March 7th) I met with my local MSP and put my proposal to him.  I am glad to report that he is in agreement with me that changes and improvements are badly needed to improve access to psychological therapies.  

The next step for me is to try and get as much information together as possible, along with my proposal, that will support my petition that will be submitted for approval in May once the new government are in place and if approved it will be open for public signatures.

If you would like to see the results from the survey in full, feel free to email me and I will send them over to you.


  1. It saddens me to see how the health system is failing us. I'm a big support of the NHS and the only people to blame for the failures is the government.
    It's good to read that you are getting involved in something so many people feel so passionate about!

    1. I also support the NHS, they do such a wonderful job under incredible pressure. The government need to be held to account. I had to get involved, having been on the other side of things I know how it feels and I was heartbroken when I read the full statistics xx

  2. Oh well done you for taking the initiative to get this ball rolling, good luck. Mich x

    1. Thank you. I will be sure to keep you all updated as things progress x

  3. Well done you, mental health is so severely overlooked although I have to say I have always got the help i've needed but I do worry for my children in case they suffer with problems like me. I will keep an eye out of updates but I do hope they listen.

    1. Thank you. Yes it is overlooked which is incredibly sad, other health conditions get plenty of awareness sadly mental health doesn't. I am like you, worry about my children needing help as getting access to such treatment is hard. I will update as I go along xx

  4. Things are not perfect with the NHS but we are a lot luckier than some other countries. Hope you get these changes made

    1. No they are not perfect but I am grateful for them that is for sure!! They need some of the burden taken off them and I think support groups would help a little bit. Will let you know how things go as it progresses x

  5. Mental Health is in complete disarray both North and South of the border. Well done for taking the initiative to try to get it improved.

    1. It really is a mess isn't it? Once I have done what I can up here, I plan on contacting Westminster x

  6. Thank you :) I really hope it makes a difference to everyone who needs help. Every day you see it in the news that people are being failed and it is heartbreaking x

  7. Such a shame that standards aren't be met. It's such an important area of health care.

    1. It makes for hard reading it really does. More needs to be done across the UK x

  8. Well done for getting up and doing something and standing up for what you believe in

    1. Thank you :) I contacted a reporter at the local newspaper today and she is interested in my story too so will see where that goes x

  9. Well done, Angela, I truly hope the petition and the ensuing changes will mean more people get the essential assistance they so desperately need!xx

    1. Thank you :) Fingers crossed it helps to get some changes made xx

  10. Its great you are taking time to do this. Good luck with the research and the petition.

    1. Thank you. Just glad I have until May to get everything together properly. I will keep you updated xx

  11. Good on you for petitioning on such an important issue. Hope it goes well.

    1. Thank you :) I will keep you up to date as things move forward x

  12. Hope it goes well, good on you for building up awareness and taking a stand! x

  13. Well done Angela for building awareness and making things happen. Fingers crossed you can get the ball rolling :)

    1. Thank you. I have a photographer from the local paper coming today to take my picture for the article that goes in this week x
