Friday 4 March 2016

Joint Pain Hub

Osteoarthritis (OA) affects millions of people in the UK, with one third of the population aged over 45 having sought treatment for the condition. The prevalence of OA is also thought to be on the rise, and Arthritis Research UK estimate that by 2035, 8.3 million people in the UK could have OA of the knee- one of the most commonly affected joints.
OA can have significant and debilitating impacts on sufferer’s day to day lives, with joint pain being a particularly prominent symptom. A wide variety of management options exist for OA, often with a focus on reducing pain and inflammation, however, joint pain experts have recently advised that the most popular options may not necessarily be the most effective.

To help offer clear information and advice on OA management options, a new online resource, the ‘Joint Pain Hub’, has been launched.

The brand new Hub provides an overview of the research for some of the most popular over the counter options for OA, including; paracetamol, NSAID’s (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs), GOPO®, glucosamine & chondroitin, and Omega 3.

Visitors can explore the site to find out more about each option. The site also includes lifestyle advice, including the importance of exercise and maintaining a healthy weight.

Readers can visit the Joint Pain Hub via the following link;


  1. I have recently started getting pain in my knee ,maybe I should check this out.

  2. My grandmother-in-law suffers from osteoarthritis so I think I may go through this with her.

    1. I am sure you will find some really good information that will help x

  3. A great website, I suffer with fibromyalgia so not entirely the same but it's good to see websites that help with conditions that are sometimes just taken for granted.

    1. I wish there were more websites like it then so many more people can get help. I know a few people who live with fibromyalgia x

  4. I found this really useful so thanks. I have problems with my hips and knees

  5. My mum suffers with osteoarthritis so I'll be sharing this link with her. Thanks for raising awareness x

  6. I have psoriatic arthritis so will have a look and see if it can offer any advise for me

    1. There may be some advice. There is a search bar option so you may find something x

  7. This hub sounds so useful for advice and support. I'm sure it will help a load of people.

    1. It is a great tool for both those living with the condition and their families x

  8. What a great place for support. Thank you for sharing.

  9. The hub sounds like it's great for advice and I'm sure it's going to benefit lots of people who need support x

    1. I am so glad they created the hub, as you say it will help so many x

  10. My mum had RA, so I understand what a great resource web sites like this can be

  11. I'm starting with hip and knee pain. I'll check this out, thanks for sharing :)

  12. Great awareness post, hope many benefit from the new website's advice.xx

  13. Thanks for the info and link. My son is really suffering with his knee at the moment, and trying a few things suggested by the doctor before investigating further.

    1. I hope you get the answers soon and find something that can help him x

  14. Sounds like a great idea, it's something that affects a lot of people.

  15. Thanks for the info.. my mums had arthritis and it's terribly painful.

  16. worth a look i get aches and pains
