Thursday 16 May 2024

Five Facts About Me

Today I thought it would be fun to share five random facts about me. So here we go:

Fact One

When I was 18, I was part of a cabaret act that put on shows to raise money for charity. Our biggest, and sadly our last, show was the best. We performed to an audience of 200 people. It may not be the biggest audience but the venue was sold out and it was all about raising funds for the Rottenrow Maternity hospital. We were split into two groups. I was in group one and we performed routines to B*Witched, Steps, Spice Girls, Madonna and that years Brits performance of Thank Abba For The Music. It was one of the best experiences of my life and a lot of hard work went into that show. I would go to college Monday-Friday 9-4. Rehearsals would be on a Wednesday for 3 hours and a Saturday for 3 hours. On a Friday I would attend dance class with my old dance teacher for 90 minutes to get me dance fit again. Looking back it was hectic but I would love to have that energy again!

Fact Two

I was in my high school choir. Trust me I cannot sing a note but clearly the music teacher felt sorry for me.  Two events we took part in always make me smile when I think about them.  The first one was the Christmas Carol service. We performed traditional Christmas carols, then we would sing the Christmas songs that got everyone up singing and dancing. My friends were in the choir with me, so we had the best time together at the Christmas show. The second was a leaving concert for the head teacher. Me and four others were stood in front of the choir and in front of microphones.  Yes me without a good singing voice was given a microphone to sing into! The song of choice was A Whole New World from Aladdin. A song I absolutely adore. I look back with fond memories of that night. 

Fact Three

Playing sports was never my strong point until I tried badminton and found that I loved it and it seemed to come naturally to me. In First year of high school I attended the after school badminton club but away from school I went to badminton training on a Saturday afternoon at the local sports centre. The training was for 2 hours and our coach was amazing. He also had the patience of a Saint! I also started attending a Monday training session and as I progressed, I was also offered one on one coaching to push myself further. We took part in competitions. It was never about winning for me, I just enjoyed playing the game. One day the coach took me aside and said he had an opportunity for me. He handed me a letter that said I had the chance to train with the Junior Scottish Badminton team. As much as that opportunity was amazing, I turned it down to focus on my education as the training would be Mon-Fri 4:30-9:30 and 9-5 on the Saturday. I wouldn't have had time for studying or seeing family and friends. I don't regret turning it down.

Fact Four

As mentioned before, I have a love for dancing. What I didn't mention was that my dance teacher wanted to put me forward to train as a dance teacher. I was over the moon that she believed I was good enough to train as a teacher but at the time I was at college and studying Travel and Tourism and didn't want that hard work to go to waste. So I turned that opportunity down also.

Fact Five

I have done some travelling. Not in a backpacking kind of way, more of a package holiday way. My travels have taken me to Estartit, Alcudia, Benidorm, Gothenburg and Dublin. The trip to Gothenburg was quite the experience. It was a college trip and we were on a mini cruise from Newcastle to Gothenburg. It is then I found I am not built to be on the water!! When I was ok to venture out of my cabin I really enjoyed it, especially the excursion to Gothenburg. We only got 3 hours there as it was night when we docked but what I did see was beautiful and I would go back to see it all properly. I have also been to many places in the UK. Places like Inverness, Aberdeen, Berwick Upon Tweed, Newcastle, York, Scarborough, London and Cardiff and loads of other places too. 


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