Tuesday 17 March 2015

Music To My Ears

I love listening to music when I am out and about myself.  Over the years I have went through many pairs of earphones.  Some stopped working quite quickly and some of them had bad sound quality. Earphones, for me, need to block out the outside world and have good all round sound quality.

The wonderful people at Brainwavz sent me over the new Brainwavz S1 earphones to try and I was very excited to receive them.

I have noticed a lot of earphones are only compatible with certain phones or MP3's but the S1 model is compatible with all phones and other devices.  That to me is a massive good point. The earphones don't have the normal wire that tangles and gets stuck on everything.  The wire on the S1 is flat and smooth.  I have a habit of putting the wire under my top and pulling it up and through so the wire is hidden so it doesn't get caught on something but I don't have to worry about that with these earphones.

I love the accessories that came with the earphones.  I used to put mines in my bag and, again, they would tangle around my purse etc but the S1 comes with a lovely little case for me to store them safely.  They also came with various other accessories such as an airplane adaptor, that way you can take your own earphones with you and plug them into the seat, saving you money too!

List of accessories

I used to find that some earphones were very uncomfortable when using them and I would end up with sore ears.  These little beauties fit snugly in the ear yet they are incredibly comfortable, no more sore ears.  They also stay in your ears, unlike some other models that seem to want to escape, usually during your favourite song!
Wrapped round ear

normal use

The sound quality is amazing..They block out the noise from the street so it's just me and the music.  The bass is fantastic, unlike the others I have tried.  When I was listening to my favourite songs it was as if I was actually at the live show rather than walking around my local supermarket (yes the madness of Asda was totally blocked out.....result!)

My husband James decided to try them too, as you can see, let's just say it was a fight getting them back off him!  

I can honestly recommend these earphones for those of you who love to listen to music when you are out and about or even at home!  The Brainwavz S1 earphones are the best earphones I have had and I really wish I had found them years ago!  Price? £37

You can find out more about Brainwavz here.  They are also on Facebook

To buy your own S1 earphones you can purchase them at Amazon

** I received the earphones to review.  This has not had an impact on my opinion and I have been 100% honest.


  1. Intrigued about the wire not getting all tangled up and being different to normal headphone wires - think that would be a good idea.

    1. I was over the moon when I had put the earphones back in the case and they came back out minus the tangled mess you get with other earphones. x

  2. I love the fit of these, they look genuinely sensible! Compatibility can sometimes be a problem too- good to know they've got that covered.

    1. My husband was given headphones as a gift, they work with his iphone but not much else. Doesn't make sense really so I am delighted these are compatible x

  3. Good earphones are so important - especially when you are drowning out the noise of the kids

    1. Good earphones are important. I like to listen to music when reading, it helps me relax more too and I can concentrate lol x

  4. I could do with apair of these I finds that with ordinary ear phones one fits and the other always falls out.

    1. That is one of the things I hated most about my other earphones, one always fell out x

  5. I struggle with in-ear phones as they tend to make my ears sore but I found some great ones recently, not dissimilar to these. Always useful to have!

    1. Some can be painful. I had cheap ones years ago and my ear was red raw, I binned them. I am in love with these ones sooo comfy

  6. i love this idea, i actually got some earphones with my htc one m8 mobile and they are the same where as you can put them in a case and pull them out untangled, they are great, my best earphones like this x

    1. I would be lost without my earphones, they go everywhere with me! x

  7. I would love to know how much they cost without having to click through! I would never pay £37 for a pair of earphones for me, but they do look amazing, especially the cord

    1. Sorry I thought I had put the price on. Will edit now. xx

  8. These look great - my kids prefer cans though

  9. I don't tend to listen to music when I'm out but my husband uses them when travelling so these would be ace.x

    1. If i am out alone I listen to music and especially when travelling! x

  10. Great that they drown out the back ground noise! Tangle free is a result too!

  11. They sound excellent! I just have the standard iPod earphones, I'll definitely consider these for when mine eventually break! xx

    1. My husband doesnt like his iphone earphones lol said they are rubbish! I dont know if they are or not x

  12. I feel I am forever buying earphones as ours mysteriously disappear

    1. I used to put mines in a safe place never to be found again lol. At least these ones are safe! x

  13. My earphones are always getting tangled in my pocket, these certainly look like a worthy investment

    1. I love the fact these ones dones get tangled, take them out the case, plug them in and away I go. Fab! xx

  14. These sound great - I always find the little headphones come out of my ears but it sounds like these may not. Love that they don't get tangled too!

    1. These fit snuggly. I have used them a few times and they stay in yay! (unlike others I've had)

  15. non messy wires is a bonus in my book! ;-0

  16. I have really small ears and always find it so difficult to find the ear buds to fit in my ears x

    1. These can be adjusted as they come with different size buds x

  17. I need them to invent some for my teenager that cant get lost - she can never find hers and is always buying new ones!

    1. lol. im glad these have a little case so i know where they are x

  18. Worth spending money on good earphones

    1. I agree, as cheap ones are more likely to break and irritate your ears
