Tuesday 26 May 2015

SAMH What Next Findings

SAMH have kindly sent me their findings from their What Next events and I am not surprised by the areas that need to be greatly improved, and quickly.

Key priority areas from feedback :-

Stigma - You told us that stigma is still a barrier to accessing help and services for mental health.

Availability of service - It seems that where services exist, they are generally good. However, your feedback tells us that there is a lack of consistency between geographical areas making your chances of receiving treatment a ‘postcode lottery.’ There is also the need for many more 24/7 services, and a general promotion of services so people know where to go to get help.

Navigation through services - Another issue that was raised many times was about the lack of communication between different services. You told us that there should be clear pathways for people as they progress through the system. Many of you also raised the issue of the lack of follow up services.

Waiting times - Your feedback told us that waiting times are too long in several areas and have a negative impact on mental health.

Wider treatment options - You told us that you want to be given more options when it comes to treatment. Although some of you felt medication was helpful, there was agreement that there needs to be other forms of therapy on offer too.

Peer support - Many of you raised the issue of introducing more peer support services as this is an area which is lacking in Scotland.

Promotion of greater awareness of rights - You told us that you are not made aware of your rights, and that you didn’t know where you could find out about them. Your feedback told us rights should be more actively promoted within mental health services.

Humane approach and responses - Your feedback told us that mental health service provision must be humane and focus on the person rather than the illness or treatment.

Education - An overwhelming number of you believe there is still a lack of education about mental health and that the introduction of mental health in the national curriculum is essential.

Training - You told us that everyone involved in frontline medical services require more training about mental health.

I hope SAMH take the above findings to the government and changes are made to ensure all the issues above are addressed correctly.


  1. Something really does need to be done as far too many people are struggling with mental health issues nowadays, it really scares me for the future of our kids.

    1. It is very worrying and I really hope both the Scottish and the UK government do something about it and quick x

  2. Mental Health Services here are shocking, particularly CAHMS. These results don't surprise me at all :(

    1. CAMHS needs so much money to make it more accessible :(

  3. Really interesting - thanks for sharing this and raising much needed awareness x x

    1. Thanks for your comment :) I will keep you updated on any progress made xx

  4. I think that there needs to be consistency across the areas. It appears to be a post code lottery for too many p0eople

    1. I 100% agree. It shouldn't come down to where you live it's so so sad

  5. Here's hoping they take on and listen to such important findings. x

  6. this is very interesting and I for one think something need s to be taken into account

  7. Really interesting and slightly worrying facts it seems clear something really needs to be done! x

  8. These kinds of lists are so useful - specific points about what needs to change, from the people who would benefit from those changes.

    1. I agree.I am glad they asked for the public's opinion and are taking it to the Government to show what needs done x

  9. I was just reading an article today how how many more people need to be accessing mental health services and they just can not cope, so sad, Mich x

    1. It is very sad indeed :( I really hope more people get the help they need x

  10. I do think there has always been mental health issues but more is known about them now and support can easily be found

    1. Sadly it is a postcode lottery when it comes to what help you can access and how quickly :(

  11. I love how you are on top of this and sharing the news...it's such an important issue and one that needs much more time, money and research into.

    1. I agree, both money and research are needed and I really hope the UK and Scottish Governments carry out the plans they have set in place as it means more money being injected and more help for those who need it x

  12. I really hope better funding and support are given to mental health services, waiting times here can be exceptionally long.

  13. So important - thank you so much for raising awareness and sharing. Kaz x

    1. Thank you for your comment. Let's hope changes are made x
