Tuesday 12 May 2015

Access To Mental Health Services And My Experience.

 I thought I would share the group discussion questions from the What Next event and share my experience of accessing mental health services. SAMH have said I will receive the final summary of findings in a few weeks from both events which I will share with you too.

* How well do you feel primary care services, such as GPs, CPNs and practice nurses are able to respond to the needs of people with mental health problems? 

I had issues trying to get the various GP's to actually listen when I told them my anxiety was only around 3 weeks out of the month. It took 11 months of appointments, and many tears, to finally have the last doctor I could see, a male, admit it was hormone related, It was only then he referred me for counselling. My counsellor was nice enough but wasn't sure how to deal with the emotional issues caused by my hormones, but she did help with other issues I had.

* How well do you feel people with mental health issues are helped to get a job and keep a job? 

I am trying my hardest to get a job as I do not like me and my family relying on benefits ( I get ESA) nothing has been done to help me find a suitable employer that will be somewhat understanding and I feel like I have been forgotten really. More help back to employment should be available

* How well are people in crisis or distress supported by health and social care services?

After talking to a friend who presented at a local a&e department during a time of crisis I found out she was sat in a cubical and left for an hour before a doctor came in, had a quick chat and sent her on her way without any help. There should be a doctor on who has experience in working with patients with mental health conditions at all times.

* Are there any issues not already covered you would like to raise?

Waiting times! They are far too long. I understand there is a great need for the services and they are stretched but its still too long and sadly too late for many.

* How easy is it for people with mental health problems to access a range of treatments including psychological therapies, medication and social prescribing?

If I am being honest it really comes down to luck with regards to which doctor you see and how quickly, if at all, they are willing to refer you to the services you need. Medication wise, with anxiety, they seem to hand tablets out like sweets and I had a terrible experience when I finally gave into the pressure (from GP) to take antidepressants and within a few days of taking them I was suicidal and wanted to jump out a window. I stopped taking them and haven't touched them since.


  1. There just doesn't seem to be enough money going into the mental health side and I don't think some GPs are clued up enough.

    1. There is nowhere near enough. The government have recently gave £50 million for football’s grassroots, that money could have went to something a lot more worthwhile than football

  2. Mental health funding is clearly nothing like good enough. Seems to go hand in hand with how mental health issues are still so taboo.

    1. I plan on writing to both the Scottish and UK governments to find out what their plans are regarding mental health funding x

  3. I think that I was really lucky when it came to treatment. I had second to none treatment including CBT at home twice a week for six months with my baby still with me

    1. Wow, so refreshing to hear that you actually got help quickly and in a setting that suited. x

  4. This is really interesting to read - clearly there are improvements to be made to the services x

    1. Quite a few. The public affairs assistant emailed me to thank me for answering the questions and told me there were other cases like this highlighted on the day. Worrying x

  5. Never enough resources in this field which is such a shame. Thank you for such an interesting read. xxx

    1. It is hard knowing there isnt enough resources. This is another reason I want to become a clinical psychologist. xx

  6. It is unbelievable and very sad. I worry for my son as he gets older as he has severe anxiety as part of his autism. I worry that there is such little help out there with the NHS (if it will even exist when he's an adult!!)

    1. I really hope that the services improve and your son will get all the support he needs from the NHS or another healthcare system. Hopefully the NHS is staying where it is x

  7. This is all very worrying. I'm sorry that you've not had the support that you need and I hope that things improve for you.

    1. It is. I am doing much better now thank you. Getting there slowly x

  8. So not enough money in this as I have had personal experience with depression .

    1. I hope all is well with you. I agree not enough money in this at all x

  9. This is great because the more people who speak out and share their experiences the more chance of being heard. There certainly needs more resources to be put into mental health.

    1. Exactly, we cant sit back we need to keep pushing xx

  10. I think more people need to be open and honest about mental health for more to be done about it and for more awareness to be raised, there still seems to be a stigma attached to the whole issue and there shouldn't be x

    1. The media do not help and continue to add to the stigma, there should be stricter regulations put in place with regards to reports about Mental Health. We have nothing to be ashamed of they need to realise that x

  11. It was interesting that all major parties had policies on mental health for this year's general election. Last time, this wasn't the case. People are waking up to the fact that so much more needs to be done in this area.

    1. I noticed that, its good to see they are all taking notice that something needs to be done. lets just hope they carry it through x

  12. I lost my CPN last year, she retired and I was told she wasn't being replaced. I did get referred back into the system sort of as I'm doing CBT - but I don't think I'll ever trust it to be there all the time again.

    1. They should have replaced her! That is terrible as how many people rely on that support! x

  13. I have to admit that my GP is brilliant and I got refered straight away when i had PND

    1. Nice to hear that your GP refered you right away, we need more like him/her x

  14. I totally agree with you about it coming down to luck. My husband was very lucky to get the doctor at our practice who understood exactly what he needed and he pushed everything through quickly for him.
    He's had many different doctors (he's moved house a lot) and this one was by far the best.

    1. I am so glad to hear your husband got a fantastic doctor who got him the help he needed. wish all doctors were like that x

  15. i have been going round in circles with CAMHS .. what is is about agencies ... it makes me so sad :-(

    1. So many people are having issues with CAMHS. I really hope you get somewhere soon. Keep at them xx

  16. Unfortunately it doesn't look like things will get better any time soon. I don't have private health insurance but it looks to me like this is the only way forward in order to get what's needed

    1. That is the worrying thing, the government want to change health care and i dont like that one bit, leave the nhs alone, fund it make it better. Private healthcare is so expensive and not everyone can afford it, they need to be very careful now x

  17. It makes me so sad that all the GPs seem to be qualified in is handing out medication. We can't just keep covering up the issues lying underneath. Luckily my GP is very proactive and I saw the Perinatal team pretty fast.

    1. All GP's should be given better training in mental health and that medication isn't the answer every single time. I am glad you got help quickly x
