Wednesday 20 May 2015

Shooting Star Chase

Shooting Star Chase is a leading children’s hospice charity caring for babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions, and their families. Whether lives are measured in days, weeks, months or years, its aim is to make every moment count. The charity supports families from diagnosis to end of life and throughout bereavement with a range of nursing, practical, emotional and medical care.

At 12pm I took this photo after Sophie and I threw some bread out for the birds.  She loves to watch them all swoop in and we usually end up with at least 15 birds at a time all flying around and showing off.  Liam is at school so he didn't get to see it but we will no doubt throw some more out later for them.

We are so lucky to have two healthy children but sadly for some parents this is not the case.  Shooting Star Chase is a hospice for children who have various life limiting and terminal conditions.  They help support from babies up to 21 year old, their families and carers too.  

It provides bespoke support free of charge to families, 365 days a year. The charity’s care service includes short breaks at two hospices (Shooting Star House in Hampton and Christopher’s in Guildford), Hospice at Home, day care, symptom management, end-of-life care, bereavement care and a comprehensive range of therapies and support groups for the whole family.

The charity are running their 3rd Sunrise Walk to raise funds.  There are 3 routes to choose from and everyone will set off at 4.30am on 31st May at Ham House in Richmond.   Sunrise Walk has so far attracted over 500 walkers who have raised an impressive £85,000. For 2015 they are looking for 300 walkers and aim to raise over £40,000.

The main 20km route will remain the same as previous years, and there is now a shorter 10km route and a longer 30km route

If you want to take part in raising funds for this amazing charity you can sign up to the walk here and to find out more about the work they do you will find their website here

Heather Tilley.
Heather Tilley is a Family Support and Bereavement Counsellor for Shooting Star Chase, a leading children’s hospice charity caring for children in London and Surrey. She has over a decade of experience helping families accept and cope with the diagnosis of a child with a life limiting condition.

To lose a child is devastating. Nothing can prepare you and life will never be the same afterwards.

My job is to help the families of children with life limiting conditions navigate from having to manage the news of the diagnosis through to life after loss. The impact on families can be devastating. All their plans and assumptions for the future are shattered. One thing I often hear from parents is that things are in ‘the wrong order’ if their child dies before them. They carry a huge burden of guilt alongside their grief.

As time passes it can be helpful to find new ways to remember. Our Sunrise Walk is a poignant, but positive way to commemorate a child who has died, whilst making a difference. By taking part, you can help raise much-needed funds for the charity to continue providing a lifeline for other parents who are learning to live alongside the loss of a child.


  1. What a great charity to support! I like the fact that you can decide what length of walk you want to do.

    1. they are wonderful. I like that too that way more people can get involved x

  2. These hospices do invaluable work, they really do.

    1. The work they do is incredible, I have so much respect for them all x

  3. This charity sounds remarkable, and as if they are doing such good and valuable work. I really hope the walk goes well too.

    1. I will keep you updated on how they get on. Such important valuable work x

  4. They sound like a remarkable charity and a worthy cause. Hospice care is so important and they clearly do a sterling job. Stephen

    1. I have nothing but respect for the work they do. The support they offer the children and their families is amazing x

  5. These charities are amazing and the work that they do is priceless. I cannot imagine the pain these families go through and every bit of support is invaluable x

    1. The families are so strong, I couldn't handle it being honest and the charity are incredible with the support they offer x

  6. Charities like this are so important in supporting families that need them. We support our local children's hospice

    1. They really are. Nice to hear you support your local hospice, we donate to ours when we can x

  7. Such a beautiful charity and so good to support x

    1. I had to spread the word when I heard about them x

  8. What a fantastic charity - good luck to all who are running for them! x

  9. A brilliant choice of charity to support, so many lives are helped with hospices and the great work they do!

    1. Hospices are such an important part of the community and the work they do is incredible xx

  10. Such an important charity to support - we support our local hospice as much as we can

  11. hospices like this really are our true inspiration , its important to help them

    1. What a beautiful way to describe them, an inspiration, such a perfect word for them x

  12. What a fantastic charity. My Mum volunteers at a hospice and I know that the work they do to support both patients and families is invaluable.

    1. Lovely to hear your mum volunteers, tell her thank you from me x

  13. It's a good job that there are charities such as this, can't even imagine what it must be like to go through :(

  14. That sounds like an amazing charity doing an unbelievably hard but important job. I'm in awe of people who make such a difference to parents at the worst times.

  15. What a fantastic charity, I'm sure they bring a lot of happiness at such difficult times. Keep up the good work :)

  16. what a really lovely charity, thanks for sharing xx

    1. thanks for your comment. I felt it was only right to share the incredible work they do x

  17. Sounds like a lovely charity to support and such a great idea to add two new routes;

    1. They are wonderful and I am sure the walks will be successful
