Monday, 31 August 2015

A Daily Battle

Look at the picture above? I look so carefree and happy. Yes I was happy here but I was getting stomach pains, cramps, headaches and tiredness. I was taking the full dosage of paracetamol a day just to make sure we all had a great holiday where my condition didn't spoil thing.

Severe PMS (PMDD) is hell on earth. Of course I know it could be so much worse than aches, pains and mood swings but people  need to realise this condition is very real and it really does make every day life hard to deal with.  Just earlier on I broke down in tears asking why am I like this? What have I done to deserve it? I am 35 I should be able to take on anything the world throws at me, yet I can't.

The anxiety part of it, believe it or not, is actually the easiest part to deal with because I know those symptoms are harmless. The hard part is the physical pain, the abdominal cramps, muscle ache, headaches, my sinuses flare up, I feel sick and the tiredness is unreal.  Don't get me wrong some of the psychological symptoms hurt too like feeling angry for no reason, crying at something so silly or most likely for no reason and knowing that the medication I have tried has made no difference is awful.

It gets that bad some days that I have actually turned to my husband and said  "I wish it was only anxiety I had as I would have been better by now"  Some days are much harder than others. I just wish I could get my referral for a hysterectomy. Yes that is a massive operation and even my GP said it is a last resort but as I am limited to medication I can try that last resort is coming so much closer.


  1. Aaaw Angela, I'm so sorry for what you have to go through. I remember my Mam got a Hysterectomy for this very reason and things improved so much for her x

    1. I am so glad to hear that the hysterectomy helped your mum. It is hard but I am going to keep trying different things as they still wont refer for the op x

  2. Oh gosh this is awful :( if you ever need to talk feel free to drop me a message x

  3. I suffered with endometriosis, so I do understand this a little. I tried everything. I hope you get the treatment you need

    1. Thanks Jen. I hope you found something that worked for you. I am going to try herbal remedies next x

  4. I am glad you have a diagnosis and an understanding hubs x

    1. Getting a name for it made me feel a bit better in a strange way. My hubby deserves an award he puts up with so much x

  5. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I hope that your GP helps you to recover soon.

    1. Thank you. She recommended trying herbal remedies so will give that a go x

  6. I really feel for you. I am having really horrible time with mine at the moment and am waiting to see my GP.

    1. It is awful isn't it. Feel free to email me if you need to talk xx

  7. My mum had a hysterectomy at 35 for the same thing, so sorry for you.

    1. Wish my doctor would refer me being honest but I can also see it from their side too. Glad to hear your mum got her op x

  8. Bless you I really hope the doctor will take it seriously and consider the hysterectomy. We only get one life it is not fair to have to spend it suffering.

    1. Thanks. I am going to try evening primrose first see how that goes. x

  9. Bless you hun. I really feel for you. I had to go to the drs the other week as I was in so much pain I was convinced I was in labour. Turns out it was a flare up of an inflamed pelvis. Massive hugs. Hope the drs take you seriously.

    1. Oh that sounds so painful. Are you ok now? I spoke to the Dr today and she thinks herbal remedies might help so will give that a try and I hope it works x

  10. I'm sorry you are suffering. I've always suffered too and can't wait for it all to be over (I guess there is a good thing about getting old?)

    1. it is hard. I was told that when I am closer to 40 they will think about the hysterectomy. 5 years to go.....x

  11. It's mad how much people can override because they don't know what you are truly feeling on the inside because of your front. I'm glad you have now got a diagnosis for what it if you have and may your next steps be more positive to a bit of pain relief! x

    1. Thank you. I am hoping the evening primrose oil helps. I know I won't get rid of it fully but I want the control back x

  12. I've never heard of PMDD. So sorry you have to go through this. Big hugs x Hope you had a good holiday other than the pain you were in

    1. Thank you. I did it was great, I want to go back again lol xx

  13. I really do hope some Primrose Oil does help you.

  14. I am so sorry to hear this. Hope something can be done soon to take away the pain.

  15. I actually hadn't heard of this condition before so thank you for sharing your experience and raising awareness. I do hope you find relief somehow.

    1. Thank you. I will be trying evening primrose from Monday so fingers crossed that helps a bit x

  16. I'm so sorry things are so tough for you. I can't imagine how hard it must be. xx

  17. So sorry to hear you are going through this. Thinking of you xx

    1. Thank you. I am stubborn so I will overcome this. Can't let it beat me xx

  18. Boo! Being a woman sucks at times. How horrible to have this xx
