Wednesday 30 April 2014

I can't be stubborn anymore

Yesterday I went to my doctor as I have decided it is now the right time to try medication.

This wasn't an easy decision to make for one reason only, and anyone who knows me will confirm this, I am stubborn. I wanted to do it on my own with no help, thinking that is how I done it before. This time though there are some different factors

  • I have two children to think about
  • I have a husband who is under a lot of pressure just now
  • I have my own house
  • I am not seeing counsellors, in fact I am seeing no-one

I was give 20mg Citalopram and I am going to give them a chance.

Yes I am nervous and slightly anxious about taking them but I know that if I want to get back on track and remind my brain that I am in charge then I need to take them

Monday 28 April 2014

Thinking about my childhood

My husband and I were talking about how we were never in the house when we were young.

It worries me that children today are obsessed with the latest mobile phone, games console or other gadgets.
What ever happened to climbing trees, playing football, having races actually making your own entertainment.

My memories include:

  • Making dens
  • Hide and Seek
  • Tig
  • playing football
  • British bulldogs
  • red rover
  • swing parks
  • swimming 

We were also discussing education and how technology has affected the way children do research.

I remember the absolute joy of going to the library to get a new book to read or to do the research for my school assignments. Now it seems to be Google and Wikipedia that appeal.

Books are the best way to get your research and my children will be taught to do it that way.  Do it for yourself not relying on the click of a button and a keyword.

I look at children today and in a way feel sorry for them knowing that they might never know the joy of a technology free existence.

My childhood was simple but great fun and I have made memories to last a life time.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Thank you so so much to Jenny for nominating me for the ‘Very Inspiring Blog Award’ I have only been writing my blog for almost 3 months and to find out I have helped and inspired people already is just wow wow wow! 

To everyone who has read, commented on and shared my posts thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

So there are a few rules that go with this nomination and they are:

1) Thank and link the person who nominated you
2) List the rules and display the award
3) Share 7 things/facts about yourself
4) Nominate 7 blogs who inspire you
5) Let them know you have nominated them!

Seven Facts about me

  • I share my blog everywhere I can, sometimes I think I do it too much.
  • I am determined to help as many people I possibly can.
  • I am mother of two gorgeous children
  • When both children are at school I want to study for a degree in Psychology 
  • I would love to become a clinical psychologist
  • clowns, wasps and crabs scare the life out of me.!
  • Have to admit I am so glad I started blogging. I have made some great friends.

My nominations  Michaela  Rachel Rachel Emma-Lily Laurie Simona

I follow so many wonderful and inspiring blogs! I could nominate so many more!

Lastly I would love to thank Jenny for her nomination. It was unexpected, I would like to thank her for all her support and advice she has given me. Jenny is such a lovely woman and I hope we continue to be blogging friends for a long time. xxxxx

Please visit all the blogs I have mentioned. You wont regret it :) x

Saturday 26 April 2014

Guest post by Kimberley Chastney

I remember it as though it was yesterday when I first got told I was going on medication. I was 14 years old and I’d just had an art session at my local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). I looked forward to those art sessions. I loved the smell of the room, of dried paint and washing up liquid. But when I heard them telling my mum that my diagnosis of depression meant that I would need to go on to Prozac, my heart sunk and those art sessions were never quite the same. Instead, I was overcome with fear and dread. It was as though someone stole my childhood away at that very moment and I felt like the only person in the entire world to be going through what I was. I saw myself as ‘different’ to the other kids anyway, but this medication malarkey wouldn't help my case, and I knew it. 
Going home that night was tough. I remember going to the supermarket to collect my first prescription, and the pharmacist querying my step-dad about how they didn't usually give this medication to ‘someone like me.’ I stood out like a sore thumb, I felt vulnerable, and disheartened about my future. At home, mum would have to administer my medication. I couldn't swallow tablets, so instead, I had a syringe-full of this ghastly stuff that went under my tongue. Some nights, I’d miss it deliberately which of course didn't help the side-effects from starting it. My hallucinations were worse, my anxiety increased and so did my anger. I had to leave lessons to go relieve my anger, and it got so bad by the time my GCSE’s came around that I had to drop a subject. That wasn't me, it wasn't the Kimberley that I knew before and know now. 
Thankfully, I eventually came off of Prozac when my time with CAMHS came to an end. It was undoubtedly the worst experience I've had with medication, so in some ways, I should be grateful I had that experience early on in my life. What followed though were numerous different types of medications, some good, and some bad. Some of them targeted my depression and others my anxiety. From the age of around 19 to 21, I probably tried about four different types. I then went on to Sertraline after another struggle with my depression a couple of years ago. I started on a low dose, gradually increasing to a stable 100mg. It helped (I think) and I had a bit more energy to get out of bed in the morning and my concentration improved.
In June 2013, I unfortunately became very unwell again and my dosage was increased to 150mg. I don’t know why I remember this increase so vividly, but I remember feeling absolutely wired. I couldn’t sleep, I had energy to burn constantly, but at the same time, I was exhausted from always being in this heightened energetic state. I would touch walls, door frames, pace rooms in the early hours of the morning, just to try and feel grounded. These symptoms lasted for around two weeks, which in the grand scheme of things I suppose isn’t too long (but nonetheless, extremely frustrating when you’re going through it!). 
Following a review with my mental health team in January 2014, I was told I would be weaning myself off of medication. I must admit, I was worried it wasn't the right thing to do but I had faith in what the doctor had proposed as alternative treatments (such as talking therapies). My life was stable, I was doing well at college and had gotten a job in October which I loved, plus my support network was fantastic. After much consideration, I realised now was the best time to try come off it. And so the process of gradual weaning began – a reduction of 50mg every four weeks. 
The first four weeks, if I’m honest, I didn't notice much difference. I had the odd case of night-sweating which wasn't pleasant, but tolerable. It wasn't until I dropped to 50mg and then later stopped completely that I felt my whole body change. Physically, I couldn't sleep and would lay awake for hours on end. When I did get to sleep, it was never for long, and I would often be up at 3am and would stay up for the rest of the day. I had terrible nightmares, you know those ones that stay with you all day, making you doubt whether or not they actually happened? When I woke up in the night I would be drenched head to toe in a cold sweat. At first, I thought I had some weird flu-like virus that wouldn't shift, but after speaking with my occupational therapist, I discovered this was quite a normal discontinuation symptom. I’d get hot flushes in the day too, but some of those are related to my anxiety anyway, so it’s hard to tell whether they are related to coming off of medication. Mentally, my mind went riot. My anxiety, intrusive thoughts and emetophobia rocketed. My concentration was non-existent, and despite the fact I am now nine weeks medication free, I still struggle with focusing. This can be extremely frustrating and debilitating when you’re trying to hold down a job and a full time college course! I’ve found the best way is to accept that some days I won’t be as productive as others and to work as hard as I can when I can manage it. 
Whilst my experience doesn’t sound entirely positive, it’s important to remember that I was aware this could happen, and I went along with the plan to come off of medication anyway. This is because in my personal opinion, medication isn’t a cure, and is only a temporary plaster for something a lot deeper. I’m a firm believer in the social model of disability and health, and believe that by learning about myself and accepting who I am is the best foundation for my recovery. No medication can do that for me. I’m not against the idea of going back on medication, but I certainly wouldn't do it without additional professional support. I’ve heard experiences from so many people about how medication has been a saviour for them, and I think it’s wonderful they have found what ‘works’ for them. It’s a great step on the road to recovery. But for some, medication has in fact been a rollercoaster that wasn't worth getting on in the first place, and I also think that’s a positive too to be able to recognise that medication is not part of their road to recovery. What is important is that mental health services realise that what works for one person will simply not work for another, and in fact that is a good thing rather than a bad thing. If we were all the same, how boring would that be? 

For more posts by the lovely Kimberley please visit her blog at

Friday 25 April 2014

Today is a bad day

I know I normally write upbeat posts but today it's different.

Earlier on as I was taking my 4 year old to nursery everything was fine. We were joking around having a laugh and then it happened....a horrendous panic attack.

I felt my heart thud so hard in my chest, dizzy, sick and faint. I knew I had to get my breathing under control so I attempted to slow it down.

My poor boy looked at me as we turned for home and said "where are we going mummy, nursery is that way"

I could only reply "I have forgotten something"

He replied and this did make me laugh "oh silly Mummy. Daddy is right your memory is bad" How could you not laugh at that.!

When we got back home my breathing was awful, I struggled up the stairs to our flat but all I was worried about was my son being in the house safe. My husband was at the door waiting.

I ran into the bedroom, took my inhaler (yeah I have asthma too) just to calm my breathing a bit more and I started crying.

Looking at my son who was heartbroken that he was missing nursery made me feel so horrible, guilty, useless and the worst mum in the world.

I have made a decision.  I am going back to my doctor and I am going to start taking medication.  It's not ideal I wont like I honestly hate the idea of medication I really do BUT I need to do this and not for me....for my children!

Tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

A letter to my future self.

Hello Angela

You were 33 when you wrote this and at that time you were going through some tough stuff...Your mum was ill, you worried about the affect on your dad and sister, You didn't have a job, you hated how you looked..I would go on but I know you remember all of that!  I also know your anxiety was through the roof at the time and you were determined to do it on your own then something clicked and you wanted to go speak to the doctor about antidepressants...I know you also started taking them.

Liam and Sophie are growing up and are brilliant, clever, gorgeous children and are a credit to you and James. Ever since you faced your demons you became the woman you are today and because of that your children took your determination and applied it to their lives. Well done you!!

You and James are getting on so much better now you have stopped being so stubborn and accepted help. He was never going to leave you the way you always thought he would. He loves you Angela. You need to remember how hard it must have been for him to see you like that. It wasn't because he did not want to know or did not love you he was scared and worried and that is fine.

Angela you have to leave the past where it the past. It made you stronger not weaker!! Everyone makes mistakes. We wouldn't be human otherwise.

The whole anxiety thing will always be with you, its a natural reaction we all get that way at some point!!

Look at how far you have come!! You did that. YOU. Everyone knew there was a fighter in there, you just had to let it out.

You are amazing remember that.

Love From
Me xxxx

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Living With Anxiety - Video

Thanks to Kimberley Chastney for allowing me to share her amazing video!!

After watching this I cried, tears of joy, knowing I was not alone and that the symptoms I get Kimberley also has. 

Like she said to me - we have to stick together! We'll beat this xxx

watch her video here

please visit her blog at for more amazing posts


Monday 21 April 2014

Fab day even though my anxiety was playing up!!

Today I was feeling very anxious. I felt sick and dizzy because of this and all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and hide. Do you know what I done? Let me tell you :)

We took the kids out to play on their skates. We were out for about 20 minutes, which is enough skating time for a 4 and 2 year old!

We then had art and craft time which the kids absolutely loved followed by dinner.

I then said to my husband lets take them back out. So we took them for a nice evening stroll around the woods in our street.

The children had a brilliant day as did my husband and I.

What made it even better is anxiety did not win today! Go me!!


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural disorder that affects children and adults.  In the UK between 2-5% of school age children have the condition.

Years ago it was thought that those who were showing the signs of ADHD were just unruly or lazy. Sometimes it was even put down to bad parenting.  Today it is a widely recognised condition and now the person is given better help and treatment.

There are 3 types of ADHD
·         Mainly inattentive
·         Mainly Hyperactive
·         Combined

Like any condition or illness there are many symptoms which vary from person to person. Some might have all the symptoms, others not as many. Here are some of the signs of ADHD in children.

·         Short attention span
·         easily distracted
·         excessive talking
·         cannot concentrate
·         acts without thinking
·         cannot sit still
·         interrupts conversations

In adults the symptoms are similar however they can be more noticeable.  They include
·         poor organisational skills
·         forgetfulness
·         edginess
·         blurt out responses
·         mood swings
·         quick temper
·         impatient
·         careless
·         misplace thins
·         inability to deal with stress

It is said that other conditions can run alongside ADHD.  Conditions such as

·         Bipolar
·         OCD
·         Anxiety
·         Depression
·         sleep problems
·         tourettes
·         learning disabilities

If you think yourself or your child have other health conditions please see your doctor for diagnosis.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Caffeine what does it actually do to us?

Have you ever had a drink of Coke, Irn-Bru or some other sugar and caffeine filled fizzy drink then felt your heart rate increase then those little tell tale signs that a panic attack is about to take hold? You are not alone.

For me I get the fast heart rate then I feel shaky and low and behold along comes a lovely panic attack!

I have been looking into caffeine and the affects it can have on us and on one website, NHS Choices, I found the following advice

"Avoid caffeineDrinking too much caffeine can make you more anxious than normal. This is because caffeine can disrupt your sleep and also speed up your heartbeat. If you are tired, you are less likely to be able to control your anxious feelings.Avoiding drinks containing caffeine – such as coffee, tea, fizzy drinks and energy drinks – may help reduce your anxiety levels."

Another website gave a caffeine time line

After 10 minutesTen tea spoons of sugar contained in a glass of Cola, cause devastating “strike” on the organism and the only cause, by reason of not vomiting, is the phosphoric acid which inhibits the action of sugar.After 20 minutesA leap of insulin levels in bloodstream occurs. The liver converts all the sugar into fat.After 40 minutesIngestion of caffeine is finally completed. The eye pupils are expanding. Blood pressure rises, because the liver disposes more sugar into bloodstream. The adenosine receptors get blocked, thereby preventing drowsiness.After 45 minutesBody raises production of dopamine hormone, which stimulates the brain pleasure centre. Heroin has the same principle of operation.
Read More: 

So far this has actually put me off drinking such drinks. I know that we can have everything in moderation and that is fine. Some people do not seem to take much notice of what too much caffeine and sugar can actually do to us.

I asked for feedback on my Facebook about what affects people have noticed when drinking such drinks. Some of the replies are stated below.

"There is less caffeine in a can of Coke than there is a cup of Tea, As for 
aspartame, you only find that in diet or zero variants as it is used as a 
sweeter at trace value"

"Yes its the caffeine or aspartame(sweetener) I haven't had it for 5 yrs isn't 
good can increase anxiety"

"Never felt any effect really, though I usually drink diet so might be different"

 "I have been drinking between 6-12 cans of Red bull a day for over a year 

and not had any problems"

Looking at the replies I do wonder if it comes down to the person themselves. Are some simply more sensitive to the effects or is caffeine, in high doses, as dangerous as they say. 

What do you think? Do you experience strange affects from drinking these drinks or have you never noticed. Comment below :)

Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Balmoral Hotel Edinburgh - sheer luxury

My husband and I got married on March 14th 2012 and it was a lovely day.  The service was beautiful and the meal was delicious.

For our wedding night we travelled to Edinburgh and arrived at the stunning 5 star Balmoral Hotel.  Even before you walk through the door it oozes class and sophistication.

When we arrived at reception we were greeted by the friendly receptionist, who knew our surname before me even spoke, and she advised us we have been given a free room upgrade. Once we were checked in she showed us to our room and concierge arrived 5 minutes later with our luggage.

Walking into the room I was amazed at how simple yet luxurious the room was.  I looked around and could not believe I was lucky enough to be in such a stunning hotel.

Once settled we ordered room service which was delivered quickly and I was amazed at the spread before us! Again given amazing service as the gentleman offered to pour my tea!! Simple pleasures make the experience even better!  The food was absolutely beautiful, as expected.

The room was large with a gorgeous king size bed which had rose petals scattered across, a unit in which the tv (cable) was housed, a desk, books, two comfortable seats and a massive wardrobe.  The bathroom was AMAZING a huge bath which 2 people could easily fit in and the shower was fantastic I wanted to take the bath home with me!! Robes and slippers were also supplied in the room

After a wonderful nights sleep we went to Hadrian's for breakfast. We were seated quickly and within 10 minutes had our breakfast in front of us. Again the food and the service were out of this world.

I felt rather sad when we checked out but I would go back to the hotel in a heartbeat.

100% recommend this hotel for that bit of luxury. We all deserve it don't we :)

Busy Busy Tweet tweet


Sorry I have not posted since Saturday! I had my nephew's second birthday party on Sunday and had a lovely family day on Monday.

Tuesday and today have not been the kindest as my sinuses have been giving me pain!

I have came across a few twitter pages that may be of help to my readers.  Have a look

Kelty Mental Health - @KeltyCentre

Anxiety United - @AnxietyUnited

Depersonilzation - @Dpd_Dr

No Panic - @charitynopanic

Saturday 12 April 2014

Lunch & a shock

Yesterday I went out for lunch with my mum and my aunt.  I was feeling really anxious due to having a sore stomach.

We all met up and lunch was ordered when I felt an attack creep over me. I felt all light, floaty and is if i was not really there. I ran to the toilet to calm down, saying I had an upset stomach, which was true also.

Once there i focused on my breathing knowing that there was no point in going home as that would ruin everyone's afternoon. I had to do this, sit there and get myself over it.

When I returned to the table before sitting down I took a sip of water when my mum turned to me and said "I know why you are hoping from one foot to the other, just calm down you will be fine honestly" I did not realise my mum had noticed this little habit of mines.

I knew she was right.

Lunch came and we all have a lovely time. I helped my mum with her shopping afterwards.

I was so so tired when I got home as the attack had drained me.

As much as I was ashamed for having an attack in front of my mum and aunt I was still proud as I didn't run.

Friday 11 April 2014

Stigma of the mind - Guest Post

Hello I am Nikki. I am co creator of along with my partner LaLa.

We have three facebook pages, one is for our website Stigma of the mind. We also have Derealization/Depersonalization Disorder Awareness which I run myself. Then we have Mental Illness Awareness For Minorities and Other Ethnicities which LaLa runs herself. 

We both work together on Stigma of the Mind but each have our own page as well. We decided to start Stigma of the Mind and join our pages together because we want to bring not only awareness but also stop the stigma against mental health. 

We are sufferers as well and know what its like. We are not only just a facebook page, we are starting a movement! We have many things planned and are so excited!

 We love all the support from everyone and we just want everyone to know that you are not alone and having mental illnesses is nothing to be ashamed of! We are here for you :) 

Thank you so much Angela for giving me the opportunity to make this blog for your site

Find us:

Thursday 10 April 2014

Positive Lyrics

Have you ever listened to a song and you hear some lyrics that really give you that I can do this feeling?
I know I have.

Below are lyrics from different songs that make me smile and feel like I can do anything.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone"

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What doesn't Kill you)

"But some days you wake up
And feel like you need love
You can’t see your smile, your eyes
Not the way that I do
Don’t ever feel worthless
Just know that you’re perfect
And I’d change the world before
I’d change a thing about you"
Shane Filan - About You

"How you gonna love
How you gonna feel
How you gonna live your life
Like the dream you have is real
And if you’ve lost your way
I will keep you safe
Well open up all the world inside
So you come alive tonight
I will keep you safe"
Westlife - Safe

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Infacol - Virtual Colic Support Centre.

As a mum myself I know only too well how hard it is when your baby has colic.

You try everything, warm water, gripe water pretty much everything.

I found Infacol worked GREAT! A drop before every bottle and it helped my children so so much!!

Sometimes I found I could not get much information on Colic and much support either!

Infacol have created a new website which is amazing - Infant Colic Support Centre.

Here you can do an online test to see if it is coli videos and most importantly SUPPORT.

The truly unique aspect to this site is the virtual colic clinic, which features over 50 video responses to the most commonly asked questions around colic. Simply ask your question and get an immediate video response from Infacol’s midwife.

I urge every parent to have a look. I would have been lost without Infacol.

Derealization/Depersonalization Disorder Awareness

I came across a page on Facebook called Derealization/Depersonalization Disorder Awareness

The page was started on 13th March 2014 and the aim of the page is to help raise awareness to derealization/depersonalisation disorder! Many people don't know about this disorder and its time to spread the word 

The page posts inspirational pictures and quotes and helps others with similar problems come together and get help and support which we all know is key in our fight against mental illness.

Drop by and have a look. You never know you might just find the answers you are looking for

Monday 7 April 2014

My very own mad diary

I decided to start a stress and anxiety diary today.

Random? yes I know it is :) BUT after watching My Mad Fat Diary I thought to myself now that is an idea!!

This diary might not document the every day happenings like a teenagers diary but instead is about why I am stressed or anxious that day, what is worrying me and how I am going to sort it.

On the inside cover I have written words that I feel describes me when I am at my most anxious, such as, Fat, Ugly, Useless etc.

I have also wrote letters to my husband and to my children.

My husband will be the only one, apart from me, to read what is in there.

Writing it all down and seeing it in black and white means it will be easier for me to work through and actually makes it look less scary!

I think a lot of people would benefit from doing this.

Give it a try :) Let me know how you get on xx

for more information on My Mad Fat Diary please visit -

Sunday 6 April 2014

Think before you have a go at someone!!

Like many others I like to have a rant and a moan on Facebook. We are all guilty of that!

I have found when I do rant about feeling unwell or have a rant about my anxiety many people are quick to comment and not always in a good way!

"we all have problems"
"there are people worse off than you"
"people have serious illnesses you don't"

I could continue but I won't. Everyone is entitled to their opinion HOWEVER they should also think about why someone is ranting or venting so openly.

It could be a cry for help? A need for attention if you are lonely? Or in my case to see it in writing, to get it out of my system before it causes me to break down.

What a lot of these people don't know is I am struggling to come to terms with my mother being very very ill.  She has COPD ( Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)  A condition that cannot be cured, it will only get worse and sadly will take her life.

People judge me for not working!! My husband and I are applying for jobs like you wouldn't believe. I have applied for 40 in a week and heard nothing back. Yes we are on benefits which we hate with a passion but we have 2 young children we have no choice!! The money we get goes on food, paying bills and making sure our children have everything they need to be happy and healthy!

This is not something I put on my Facebook but hopefully if they read this they might just let me rant and leave me alone!!!!!

Saturday 5 April 2014

break it down

My sister gave me a booklet made by the NHS regarding stress and how to control it. It is a brilliant book!
On two of the pages is has space to write a list of problems, how you will fix them, when and how long you will give yourself. The idea is to be realistic and to work through the list one by one rather than face them all at once.

This is my list

  • money
  • trouble finding work
  • lack of space in our house
  • my mum being ill
  • the way I look
  • GP not listening to me
  • Am I a good mum
  • will James leave me
  • what do my family think of me?

I am going to work through this list one by one. Breaking it down makes it look less scary and makes it much more manageable.

we should all try this.

To order this booklet go to (UK ONLY)

if you do not live in the UK please check your local health care provider website for similar 

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Some of my fears

So we all have things we are scared of. Well I am yet to come across anyone who has no fears!

I have decided to share my fears and will try my best to explain why I am scared.

Clowns - eeek ok have you ever watched Stephen King's IT?!!! to me clowns are sinister evil things.

Flying -  not for the reason everyone thinks!  its the being in the air. So not natural.

Number 13  this one is a bit more personal and I know people will think its strange. My gran passed                           away on February 13th 1990. Ever since I have hated that number with a passion.

Wasps -  Evil, nasty little insects. They sting you and it hurts. enough said

What fears do you have?

Antidepressants & Anxiety MY view


Quite a few times I have been prescribed an antidepressant called Citalopram to help with my anxiety and each time I have never ever went to the chemist to get them, Why? I simply don't want to rely on medication to make me happy. Everyone is different in how they want to deal with anxiety.

Since I was last prescribed them I was slightly intrigued. How do they actually help anxiety? I turned to the NHS website for answers. Have to admit I was not expecting to find results like this.

" It is thought that Citalopram hydrobromide increases the activity and levels of certain chemicals in the brain. This can improve symptoms such as depression and anxiety."

OK so far so good right? Let's have a look at the side effects shall we?

"Common: More than 1 in 100 people who take Citalopram hydrobromide
  • abnormal orgasm in women
  • apathy
  • concentration problems
  • confusion
  • constipation
  • decreased libido
  • diarrhoea
  • ejaculation failure
  • feeling agitated
  • feeling anxious"

Feeling anxious?! Does that not kind of defeat the purpose or am I being Naive?

Like I say everyone is different and antidepressants may help some but for me this just backs up my argument when I say I won't take Citalopram 

If you want more information it can be found at

or talk to your health care provider 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Travel Support Cards. What do you think?

I was on the Rethink Mental Illness website yesterday and came across a very interesting article.

"Transport for London produce a travel support card to help people communicate any assistance or information requirements they have with staff"

I think that is a great idea and that other transport providers should bring this in.

"What is the travel support card?

The travel support card gets you help when you are travelling in London. You can use it on buses, trams, the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), the Tube, London Overground, London River Services’ boat services and at Victoria Coach Station.
When you need help or support, you can show your card to any member of transport staff. They all wear uniforms. There is a space on the card to write down anything that could help our staff to give you the support you need. You can also add your name and an emergency contact number.
Anyone who finds travelling difficult can have a travel support card, you might have a hidden disability or you might not often travel on your own. The card will make travelling easier and help staff ensure you get the help you need when you need it."
What do you think? is this a good idea or do you think its a bad one?
more information can be found at