Tuesday 8 April 2014

Infacol - Virtual Colic Support Centre.

As a mum myself I know only too well how hard it is when your baby has colic.

You try everything, warm water, gripe water pretty much everything.

I found Infacol worked GREAT! A drop before every bottle and it helped my children so so much!!

Sometimes I found I could not get much information on Colic and much support either!

Infacol have created a new website which is amazing - Infant Colic Support Centre.

Here you can do an online test to see if it is coli videos and most importantly SUPPORT.

The truly unique aspect to this site is the virtual colic clinic, which features over 50 video responses to the most commonly asked questions around colic. Simply ask your question and get an immediate video response from Infacol’s midwife.

I urge every parent to have a look. I would have been lost without Infacol.

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