Thursday 14 December 2017


I have always loved taking pictures of family, friends, my furbaby Belle, well everything really. When I was younger I had photo albums full of memories.  Now the photos I take are mainly on my social media pages.  For a while now I have said to my husband how it would be nice to have a family photo on canvas. We never got around to finding one that suits, until now.

Friday 1 December 2017

Ecoegg - Small Business Saturday SALE!!

We all love a sale, and we all love a good household product that not only makes doing housework more pleasurable but also doesn't make a big dent in the finances.  What if I told you that you can find all this in the Small Business Sale on December 2nd?

Sunday 12 November 2017

Brainwavz Audio Headphone Hanger.

James has a set of wireless Bluetooth headphones that he loves to take with him whenever he goes out to the shops or takes the dog for a walk.  The thing is, it usually takes him 10 minutes to remember where he put them the last time he used them!! Well the awesome people at Brainwavz have a solution for that.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Sorry It Has Been A While.

Hi everyone. Sorry it has been a while since my last blog update!! It has been so hectic here and I have so much to tell you. So sit back, relax and here we go.

Monday 21 August 2017


Like a lot of girls, my Sophie adores pretty hair bands, clips and bows.  If it was up to her she would have a room dedicated!!  So as she was about to start school, yes my youngest is now in school yikes, I thought it would be a good idea to have a bow made in her school colours.  This is where BowKandi came in very handy.

Monday 14 August 2017

Kaya Jewellery Winner

The winner of the £40 Kaya Jewellery gift card winner is - Laura Brady!!  Congratulations.

Friday 14 July 2017

Kaya Jewellery - Review & Competition

I  love jewellery!! You will find loads of rings, bracelets and necklaces in my bedroom.  So when the wonderful people at Kaya asked would I like to talk about their jewellery and offer my readers an amazing competition, I jumped at the chance.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Clothing Retailers and Negative Body Image.

I absolutely love my curves, they are part of who I am and I think they give me a nice shape.  Yes I have a bit of a tummy but I did have 2 children and I wasn't one of the lucky ones whose body just bounces back.  I am not ashamed of how I look and dress in the clothes I like, as you can see in the picture above.  I like to wear leggings and tops that don't cover my backside. Why should I?  Unfortunately too many people fall victim to the whole "you should look like this" trend when buying clothes and it is making many people ill, seriously ill.

Thursday 22 June 2017

Angela's Update

Hi everyone.  It has been a while since I wrote an update on what's happening with me. So while I have 10 minutes to myself, here is what's been happening.

Monday 5 June 2017

Altered Sky - The Interview

Picture taken by James Hamilton - 25th May 2017

As a music lover, I am always looking out for new bands to listen to.  Even better if they are local. Recently, a fantastic band from Glasgow competed in the Hard Rock Rising Battle of the bands and they won!! Let me introduce you to Altered Sky.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Haven Holiday - Berwick Holiday Centre.

For the last 29 years, the majority of my holiday memories centre around one amazing place, Berwick Upon Tweed. During those years, there is only one holiday park that will do for me, Berwick holiday centre.

Tuesday 18 April 2017


5th June 2016, a day that will stay with me always, a day that changed our lives forever.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Melancholy Mind - Charlene McElhinney

In my bookcase you will find many novels where the main character has been diagnosed with a mental health condition but the one book relating to the topic I never had was one of poetry, until now.

Friday 24 March 2017

Words Hurt.

We have all said something that we really didn't mean in the hear of the moment and most of will apologise and recognise we were wrong in what we said. Sadly, when it comes to mental health, many people still have a terrible attitude towards it.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

James and the Amazing Gift

My children are little bookworms and I am honestly over the moon that they love to read so much!! It's even better when the story is as lovely as James and the Amazing Gift,

Sunday 12 March 2017

Living With PMDD - Kerry's Story

Today, I am sharing another guest post, written by the wonderful Kerry.  It is important to share these experiences with you as it could just help you or someone else you know. Here is Kerry's story.

Monday 6 March 2017

The Wedding Girls

Bethnal Green, London, 1936. I love books that are set in the past and having read Kate Thompson's first book, Secrets of the Singer Girls, I was really excited to read her latest offering, The Wedding Girls.

Sunday 5 March 2017


Yet again, my favourite programme, Casualty, has used their platform to educate people about mental health, and other important issues, but this week we see the character David, flush away his medication believing he is better.  David lives with Bipolar.

Saturday 11 February 2017

TV Programmes and the Important Role They Play.

We all love to settle down in front of our TV with a cuppa ready to relax for a while. Let's be honest, we all have a favourite show we like to tune into for the latest instalment, I know I do every Saturday. Yes, they may just be soaps or a drama but these shows are also used to raise awareness of important issues.

Friday 3 February 2017

I Live With PMDD - Guest Post

As you have read from my previous posts, I live with a rubbish condition that sucks the fun out of my life for a few weeks of the month.  Many people may never have heard of it as they say it's rare, yet I am not so sure about that.  Here is one woman's experience with PMDD and the affect it has on her life.

Friday 27 January 2017


With Sophie about to start school in August, we felt it was time to sit her down and really start focusing on phonics, numbers and other education activities.  Being 4, her attention span can only take so much information at a time, so we knew it had to be a fun way to keep her interest.

Thursday 19 January 2017

How PMDD Ruins Lives.

When I was 15 and my period first appeared it was a minor, irritating inconvenience.  Cramps and feeling a bit yucky became natural and it just did not bother me one bit but I did moan about them.  At 36, I really wish I could go back to those days again because day by day my life is slowly being ripped apart.