I have quite a few favourite places in the UK that I could go on and on about but I have one place that stands out from all the rest. Where I hear you ask? Glasgow!! Yes I only live 20 minutes away from this vibrant city it was my place of birth and it is part of me.
Glasgow has pretty much everything you will need to stay entertained, young and old alike. It even has the River Clyde running through it, might not be the seaside but it is still beautiful.
If you are into art Glasgow has many beautiful galleries from the Gallery of Modern Art, which houses stunning art work from local artists and from around the world, to Kelvingrove which has recently been refurbished and houses many different art works and exhibitions. The building is stunning as you can see below.
Many years ago, Glasgow was known best for the ship building which took place on the River Clyde. Sadly the yards have been closed for some time now. In it's place is the amazing Riverside Museum and the Tall Ship. You have to visit the Riverside museum when in Glasgow. Old steam trains, an old street with shops you can go into, the old subway, again you can go into this too. It is all so real and you expect the carriage to move! Old cars and even old prams. Amazing history on show.
If you want to learn more about Glasgow's history at a leisurely pace then why not hop on board one of the city's tour buses. These guided tours take you around Glasgow, whilst the tour guide tells you about the amazing history, pointing out landmarks such as the cathedral, the peoples palace at Glasgow green and Glasgow University. You purchase your ticket from the guide and you are free to hop on and off all day. It is the best way to take in all the sites Glasgow have to offer.
There are plenty of shops on Sauchiehall Street, Buchanan Street and Argyle Street. From Next, Debenhams to Primark there is something for everyone. The two main shopping centres being Buchanan
Galleries and St Enoch's centre. Restaurants a plenty that cater for every taste and if you fancy a film we have Cineworld and an IMAX.
If plays and concerts are what you are after you can catch a show at the Pavillion, The Kings theatre and the new SSE Hydro, SECC and the Clyde Auditorium. Big names such as Westlife, Iron Maiden, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce and Ne-yo have all played Glasgow.
If sport is your thing why not take a tour of one of 3 major stadiums, Hampden, Ibrox (home to Rangers) and Celtic Park (home to Celtic). Hampden is the national stadium for Scotland. If you decide to visit you can take in the tour or you can pop into the football museum which houses Scottish football memorabilia from through the years.
Another sporting venue worth a visit is the recently opened Emirates Arena. home to the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome! You will also find a Gym, sports arena, sports hall, football pitches, fitness studio, cafe and refresh spa.
I wrote this post not just to tell you more about Glasgow but also as part of the UK Breakaways competition. You can also enter the competition here and tell us about your favourite UK destination.
I hope you have enjoyed learning more about Glasgow and I hope you visit soon. You will have the best time!!
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Special shout out goes to.....
B Famous!
Who are they? They are a Rock n Roll Boutique selling Rock – Punk Classics Merchandise such as T-shirts, miniature guitars, memorabilia and many... The Brands... Mainly Amplified Clothing, House of the Gods, Junk Food, Bioworld, Converse ... The products range from Rolling Stones t-shirts to Iron Maiden Mugs, Beatles Miniature Guitars to Led Zeppelin's iPhone Covers
How did they start? Started off in 2007 in a small boutique in London and the website launched 2009. They are still in that little boutique today serving music lovers.
Who are they? They are a Rock n Roll Boutique selling Rock – Punk Classics Merchandise such as T-shirts, miniature guitars, memorabilia and many... The Brands... Mainly Amplified Clothing, House of the Gods, Junk Food, Bioworld, Converse ... The products range from Rolling Stones t-shirts to Iron Maiden Mugs, Beatles Miniature Guitars to Led Zeppelin's iPhone Covers

What do they offer? Great service, great knowledge and amazing products that every music lover will ever need. The sell adults and kids clothing plus other collectibles

What are you waiting for get onto the website now and have a look http://www.bfamouslondon.com/ You won't be disappointed.
Monday, 28 July 2014
No Escape
When you have gone out with family or friends have you ever had an escape plan in your mind so you can get away if anxiety arises? I have on many occasion.
Take Friday for example, I had money in my purse for a taxi and I also knew where my mum's car was parked in case I had to escape and calm down, luckily I did not need to that time but the plan was there.
I want to push myself and go somewhere that I cannot escape that easily. My husband wants to take the children bowling and I love bowling but here is the thing. We need to get the train which means I cannot escape to a safe zone or get home quickly. There is an hour between trains and the bus service is just as bad. We don't drive so I don't have a car to hide in.
I am not sure if I am ready to push myself that far yet but at same time I do not want to let my children and husband down,
My poor husband has suffered enough with my anxiety and insecurities. I am so so scared that if I do not push myself I am going to put more pressure on him and hurt him even more than I already have. My gorgeous children do not mind spending time with me wherever I want to be but I know they need out and about. I am still a good mum I know that.
Tears are streaming down my face as I write this. I just want to be the fun, happy and exciting woman I used to be, the one he fell in love with.
Take Friday for example, I had money in my purse for a taxi and I also knew where my mum's car was parked in case I had to escape and calm down, luckily I did not need to that time but the plan was there.
I want to push myself and go somewhere that I cannot escape that easily. My husband wants to take the children bowling and I love bowling but here is the thing. We need to get the train which means I cannot escape to a safe zone or get home quickly. There is an hour between trains and the bus service is just as bad. We don't drive so I don't have a car to hide in.
I am not sure if I am ready to push myself that far yet but at same time I do not want to let my children and husband down,
My poor husband has suffered enough with my anxiety and insecurities. I am so so scared that if I do not push myself I am going to put more pressure on him and hurt him even more than I already have. My gorgeous children do not mind spending time with me wherever I want to be but I know they need out and about. I am still a good mum I know that.
Tears are streaming down my face as I write this. I just want to be the fun, happy and exciting woman I used to be, the one he fell in love with.
Outcome of my mental health survey
In May I conducted an online mental health survey. The results are as follows.
21 responses
Do you have a mental health condition?
yes | 19 | 90% |
no | 2 | 10% |
Do you have
Anxiety | 7 | 35% |
Depression | 10 | 50% |
Bipolar | 1 | 5% |
other | 0 | 0% |
Other | 2 | 10% |
Did you seek help straight away?
yes | 6 | 30% |
no | 14 | 70% |
If you did seek help, what options were you given?
Counselling | 4 | 20% |
medication | 12 | 60% |
directed to self help | 0 | 0% |
did not seek help | 4 | 20% |
If you did not seek help, did you have concerns about doing so?
Slight concerns. No Was scared my boy would be took away by soci services felt embarrassed
Do you think the NHS do enough to help those with Mental health conditions?
yes | 3 | 15% |
no | 13 | 65% |
undecided | 4 | 20% |
In what way do you think they could improve?
offer more counselling/therapies. stop handing out medication so easily help with links to other organisations DWP for example my going to get counselling and trying to Concor it Put more funding into this sector more funding don't konw GP dr needs to have more knowledge and explain the symptoms of anxiety to help elevate the fear of going mad NOt just give you pills For parents to get leaflets about depression, baby blues etc and spoke to before leaving hospital. Too much discrimination for pnd and other issues By following up patient progress, GP and counsellor communication Rape Crisis Support Stop using Anti Depressants as an answer to everything. Sometimes there would be a better solution. Quicker waiting times for talking therapy etc Specialist training in the area to gain a better understanding of mental health conditions More support
Have you visited any self help sites? if so which one(s)?
anxiety no more no No www.anxietynomore.co.uk None mind no. No anxiety no more, see me scotland, mind, MHF none Nope Yes but unsure names
If your loved one has a mental health condition would you know where to get information and advice?
yes | 13 | 68% |
no | 6 | 32% |
Have you heard of organisations such as See Me Scotland, Mind or mental health foundation?
yes | 14 | 74% |
no | 5 | 26% |
Lastly, what advice would you personally give someone with a mental health condition?
There is no stigma with any mental health issue and you will get better. Seek help anywhere and take baby steps. A wee step at a time does Talk to someone You're not alone. Dont wait, seek helpget help don't be ashamed or scared see your gp as soon as possible or talk to someone you trust there is no battle to win. the longer u struggle with it the worse it will get. accept you have anxiety and live your life with it and the fear will disappear in time Go and get help.Theres all the help out there. Your not alone. dont hide it be honest dont be afraid to seek help Don't suffer in silence, visit ur gp, there is help out there. dont be afraid to speak to a friend or relative if you need help Dont give up. Dont shut urself away from ppl who care about u
never be ashamed of having a mental illness medication helps Don't be afraid to be yourself. Always talk to someone - don't bottle it up the fog does lift even though you think it will last forever No matter how bad it seems it does get better.
What do you think of the results?.
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Molecular Gastronomy Spherification Kit
I had been looking forward to trying this as it was something that really appealed to me. Sadly I now feel let down.
My husband, who is a highly trained chef and has worked for Gordon Ramsay, took over the process.
In the box you get the instructions, 2 droppers, 1 syringe, Sodium Alginate and Calcium Lactate.
He followed the rules as stated in the leaflet for the minted pea puree "eggs". Unfortunately the instructions are not set out clearly and look as if they have been written in a hurry.
It simply did not work at all.
Clearer instructions should be provided with illustration showing how to complete the steps properly.
I might try the Melon Caviar recipe tomorrow. I will let you know if this one works or not.
If you do want to try this kit and others like it please visit http://www.creamchargers.org.uk/molecular-gastronomy-spherification-kit-186-p.asp
Friday's success
My mum and dad know that I have not been out for a good while and on Friday told me to meet them in the cafe at our local Asda.
I was a complete nervous wreck, full blown panic attack and I was even sick and this was before leaving the house. The thought of going made me ill. I know its mad isn't it? A place I have been to before so many times plus my parents would be there for support too.
My dad came to collect my son and walked him up to Asda, myself and Sophie went later in a taxi.
You know what I done it and when I was out I did not even feel anxious at all. Yes I was expecting too but I never. I was sitting there drinking my water, having conversations and having fun with my family.
It felt amazing.
Here are some pictures lol.
I was a complete nervous wreck, full blown panic attack and I was even sick and this was before leaving the house. The thought of going made me ill. I know its mad isn't it? A place I have been to before so many times plus my parents would be there for support too.
My dad came to collect my son and walked him up to Asda, myself and Sophie went later in a taxi.
You know what I done it and when I was out I did not even feel anxious at all. Yes I was expecting too but I never. I was sitting there drinking my water, having conversations and having fun with my family.
It felt amazing.
Here are some pictures lol.
lip balms that smell good enough to eat
Have you ever bought a lip balm and it's been, well, a bit boring ? I have found lip balms that will help smooth your lips and taste lush.
Sweet Cecily's sell the most amazing flavours. I tried their Mojito, Pina Colada and the new addition Espresso.
The Espresso balm really does smell and taste like coffee utterly delicious. I think this one will sell very well indeed.
The Mojito balm is my favourite. it tastes like mint and is so refreshing. Yummy
The Pina Colada balm has the most amazing pineapple scent. Reminds me of being on holiday!!
They are lovely and easy to apply and are not greasy or gloopy like some balms are.
How much I hear you ask - at £2.95 it's a bargain.
You can find these and more at http://www.sweetcecilys.com/shop/lips
healthy snack for children
If, like me, you find it hard to have a healthy snack, like fruit, readily available when out and about this is the product for you!!
Crushed fruit pouches are coming to the rescue!!!
Crushed fruit pouches are coming to the rescue!!!
My children love fruit and these went down a treat with them. The 2 flavours I tried were Strawberry and Apple and Banana and apple. My little boy loved the strawberry and my daughter the banana.
It is real fruit, none of this "flavoured to be like" its the real deal. So so tasty!!
Nice and healthy, full of flavour and fun!! You can put these in pack lunches, take out and about or even in the house for a quick snack.
You can buy these pouches at Waitrose and from WH Smith Travel.
You get 4 in a box and at £3.50 its a great purchase.
To find out more please visit http://www.crusheduk.com/
Friday, 25 July 2014
Help to quit smoking.
I was asked if I would like to try and review Socialites Gold E-cigarettes, I do not smoke but my husband does and this would be the perfect way to help him quit smoking. When I said to him he was delighted and more than happy to try it out.
Socialites - the UK's number one provider of e-cigarettes, a product which is designed to simulate the act of smoking tobacco without the 4,000 harmful chemicals or 60 known carcinogens found in traditional cigarettes. They contain a small dose of nicotine, which is delivered in the form of water vapour and are a much healthier alternative to smoking and are therefore ideal for the 96-97% of people who can't quit the habit through willpower alone.A recent study found that e-cigarettes are the most successful tool in helping people to quit the habit and exceed patches and chewing gum in terms of success rate.In addition to these substantial benefits, Socialites e-cigarettes are up to 75% cheaper than traditional cigarettes, making them an obvious choice for anyone wanting to cut down or quit.
I will post an update once he has been using it for a week or two and let you know how he gets on.
Monski Mouse Media presents
Monski Mouse's Baby Disco Dance HallPalazzo Spiegeltent at Assembly George square Gardens
31 July - 17 August 2014, 11am
'rocking, kid-friendly fun that dance-loving adults will enjoy as well.' ★★★★ (THE AGE)
Hit parents and children's dance event, Monski Mouse's Baby Disco Dance Hall returns to the Edinburgh Fringe in 2014!
Getting heads and shoulders, knees and toes bopping along since its launch in February 2012, Monski Mouse's Baby Disco Dance Hall transforms the decadent Palazzo Spiegeltent cabaret venue into a baby-friendly dance hall where children and parents/carers alike dance like bunnies, dinosaurs, cats and single ladies. In an event all about participation, Monski Mouse's aim is to make a space for parents and children to rock out together on the dance floor.
Baby Disco Dance Hall has recently returned from an Australian Tour to the Adelaide Fringe, Ten Days on The Island Festival and Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and is currently playing a summer season at the London Wonderground at Southbank Centre. The Disco has also made appearances at other UK festivals in 2014 including the Brighton Fringe (Sold Out), Spark Children's Festival, Norfolk & Norwich Festival (Sold Out), and Salisbury International Arts Festival.
With a 'retro eclectic' vibe Monski Mouse's DJ style takes in tracks from swing to latin, pop, 80's classics and rocking nursery rhymes.
Monski Mouse aka Monica Corduff-Gonzalez has worked in early childhood theatre with legendary Australian Director Cate Fowler and studied performance at the Paris clown school Ecole Philippe Gaulier. Focusing on the 0-5 age group, Baby Disco Dance Hall was developed with early childhood theatre practitioners.
Monski Mouse’s Baby Disco Dance Hall plays Palzzo Spiegeltent on from 31 July - 17 August 2014. If past seasons are anything to go by, this season will sell out quickly, so get your tickets now from www.assemblyfestival.co.uk
'DJ Monski Mouse is onto a winner... you’ll be pushed to work out who’s having more fun – the kids or the adults!' ★★★★★ (THE BAREFOOT REVIEW)
'Creates a unique atmosphere and allows friends, parents, carers, grandparents (you name it) to join together by dancing' ★★★★ (THREE WEEKS)
Venue: Palazzo Spiegeltent, George Square Gardens, Edinburgh Time: 11:00 Running Time: 50 minutes
Dates: 31 July, 1,2,3, 7,8,9,14,15,16,17 August 2014
Tickets: £6 - bubs under six months free! Bookings: www.assemblyfestival.co.uk or 0131 623 3030
Interviews/Photo Opportunities: Monski Mouse is happy to give interviews or provide show images.
Web: www.monskimouse.com Twitter: @MonskiMouse Facebook: @MonskiMouse
Monday, 21 July 2014
It has been a hard few days
Let me set the scene. Sun is splitting the sky, school holidays, time for fun, days out and making memories and my two poor bears are not well. Typical isn't it.
It started when Sophie had a slight chest infection which turned into a full blown cold, Liam followed as did I.
Sore ears and sore stomachs all round. My husband is the only one who has managed to stay clear apart from a slight cold.
All I want to do is get up, get them fed, washed and dressed and go out and enjoy the weather. Instead its DVDs, games and cuddles as we look out the window at the glorious sunshine and everyone else having fun.
Today my son wanted to go out in the paddling pool but his sister is still unwell so it was not an option so what did I do? I set the paddling pool up in the house, filled it up and let them play for half an hour. It was worth every splash as they enjoyed it and with the heat that is radiating through this flat if they closed their eyes the would think they were outside.
Fun was had and that's the main thing. I love seeing my kids smile.
It started when Sophie had a slight chest infection which turned into a full blown cold, Liam followed as did I.
Sore ears and sore stomachs all round. My husband is the only one who has managed to stay clear apart from a slight cold.
All I want to do is get up, get them fed, washed and dressed and go out and enjoy the weather. Instead its DVDs, games and cuddles as we look out the window at the glorious sunshine and everyone else having fun.
Today my son wanted to go out in the paddling pool but his sister is still unwell so it was not an option so what did I do? I set the paddling pool up in the house, filled it up and let them play for half an hour. It was worth every splash as they enjoyed it and with the heat that is radiating through this flat if they closed their eyes the would think they were outside.
Fun was had and that's the main thing. I love seeing my kids smile.
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Have you ever.....
Have you ever sat down and really thought about the event or events that may have put your life on a different road, the one thing that changed the way you see things and the way you think? I have. Only recently I have done this and now I wonder if this is one of the reasons I am so scared of life.
I was watching The Speakmans on Monday and I was sitting there in tears and shaking like a leaf. The story was about a girl who had emetophobia, a fear of being sick/vomit and she was that bad she would not leave the house. I am not scared of being sick but I do have a fear that stops me leaving the house. It was during this programme that I really gave it some thought and made me realise that some life events changed me forever.
When I was 9 my gran (mum's mum) passed away. I knew what death was and that I would never see her again. I was heartbroken and 24 years later I still am. I was far too young to attend her funeral and I understand that. It would have been too much for me. It wasn't until earlier this year I asked my mum what actually happened to my gran. I knew she had COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, so I assumed it was this that took her life. I found out it was a stroke that took her.
When I was 19 I was at work doing an extra shift when my manager called me on the telephone. Her words were "Hello Angela, Your dad has had a stroke. Are you ok?" my legs went from under me. I strangely went back to the task I was doing in a complete daze. My colleagues were looking at me and I knew they were asking me something but I could not take in anything. My manager came to get me. She took me for a sugary drink and explained that the reason I found out the way I did was due to company policy, no personal phone calls regardless of what it was regarding. I lost it and she sent me home. I had no idea if he was conscious or not. When I got to my mum she told me he was awake and talking. My dad is still with us today.
My mum has also been diagnosed with COPD and I pushed that out my head, didn't want to deal with it until 2012 the day after I turned 32. Myself,my aunt, my mum and dad were at a Roller Derby bout. My mum did not seem herself but she got on with watching the bout. Afterwards my mum dropped me home. A couple of hours later I got a call from my dad, my mum had been admitted to hospital. I was in shock. All we knew at that point was her COPD had flared up and she was in a bad way. I didn't get to see her until the next day and I was not ready for what I saw. There was my precious mum lying in that bed looking so ill, grey and on oxygen. Yes she was awake and could talk but it left her breathless. The next night she was worse again and I had a flashback to my gran being ill. I was convinced I was going to lose her. I remember my sister Claire putting her hand on my shoulder. I held it together, I don't know how. When I got home that night I totally lost it. Fear and anger took over. She was in for a week and when she got home I was so so happy but ever since then every time I know she is not feeling great and that phone goes I am terrified it's going to be the call I am dreading.
As you have probably guessed I have not dealt with all of these events in my life and I am first to admit it. When my health is bad I am terrified that one of these things will happen to me and that I will be alone with my children when it happens and who would be there for them when I am lying on the ground unconscious?
There you have it. My reasons.
I was watching The Speakmans on Monday and I was sitting there in tears and shaking like a leaf. The story was about a girl who had emetophobia, a fear of being sick/vomit and she was that bad she would not leave the house. I am not scared of being sick but I do have a fear that stops me leaving the house. It was during this programme that I really gave it some thought and made me realise that some life events changed me forever.
When I was 9 my gran (mum's mum) passed away. I knew what death was and that I would never see her again. I was heartbroken and 24 years later I still am. I was far too young to attend her funeral and I understand that. It would have been too much for me. It wasn't until earlier this year I asked my mum what actually happened to my gran. I knew she had COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, so I assumed it was this that took her life. I found out it was a stroke that took her.
When I was 19 I was at work doing an extra shift when my manager called me on the telephone. Her words were "Hello Angela, Your dad has had a stroke. Are you ok?" my legs went from under me. I strangely went back to the task I was doing in a complete daze. My colleagues were looking at me and I knew they were asking me something but I could not take in anything. My manager came to get me. She took me for a sugary drink and explained that the reason I found out the way I did was due to company policy, no personal phone calls regardless of what it was regarding. I lost it and she sent me home. I had no idea if he was conscious or not. When I got to my mum she told me he was awake and talking. My dad is still with us today.
My mum has also been diagnosed with COPD and I pushed that out my head, didn't want to deal with it until 2012 the day after I turned 32. Myself,my aunt, my mum and dad were at a Roller Derby bout. My mum did not seem herself but she got on with watching the bout. Afterwards my mum dropped me home. A couple of hours later I got a call from my dad, my mum had been admitted to hospital. I was in shock. All we knew at that point was her COPD had flared up and she was in a bad way. I didn't get to see her until the next day and I was not ready for what I saw. There was my precious mum lying in that bed looking so ill, grey and on oxygen. Yes she was awake and could talk but it left her breathless. The next night she was worse again and I had a flashback to my gran being ill. I was convinced I was going to lose her. I remember my sister Claire putting her hand on my shoulder. I held it together, I don't know how. When I got home that night I totally lost it. Fear and anger took over. She was in for a week and when she got home I was so so happy but ever since then every time I know she is not feeling great and that phone goes I am terrified it's going to be the call I am dreading.
As you have probably guessed I have not dealt with all of these events in my life and I am first to admit it. When my health is bad I am terrified that one of these things will happen to me and that I will be alone with my children when it happens and who would be there for them when I am lying on the ground unconscious?
There you have it. My reasons.
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
One week on
One week ago my husband started his new job and I am now officially a stay at home mum.
I will not lie it has been hard going especially as we have all been loaded with the cold, which usually raises my anxiety levels, I have done well.
Liam has been out with his gran and aunt for an afternoon, Sophie was not well enough to go which was a shame. They have even been to the soft play with their daddy on his day off.
I have not taken them out yet. I just have not been well enough as this cold is draining me strangely though I have not felt anxious, highly unusual for me when unwell.
I see this as progress and once this cold, and the rain, has disappeared I will be taking my children out and about on my own for the first time in quite a while.
I will not lie it has been hard going especially as we have all been loaded with the cold, which usually raises my anxiety levels, I have done well.
Liam has been out with his gran and aunt for an afternoon, Sophie was not well enough to go which was a shame. They have even been to the soft play with their daddy on his day off.
I have not taken them out yet. I just have not been well enough as this cold is draining me strangely though I have not felt anxious, highly unusual for me when unwell.
I see this as progress and once this cold, and the rain, has disappeared I will be taking my children out and about on my own for the first time in quite a while.
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Bucket List
Ok so a few years ago now I wrote a list of things I would like to do before I die. I know it's not the nicest subject but I do know quite a few people who have a bucket list.
Here is mines
1. to be front row at a concert (done 2001)
2. to be on the guest list for westlife (done 2012)
3. To meet Shane Filan (done 2013)
4. Visit Dublin (done 2001)
5. Visit London (done 2009)
6. Visit Euro Disney with the kids
7. Go to an NFL game
8. Live in Aberdeen (done 2008)
9. To stand on a stage at a music venue (done 2001)
10. To take the kids to Disney Florida
I only have 3 things left to do before I complete my list.
What is on your bucket list?
Here is mines
1. to be front row at a concert (done 2001)
2. to be on the guest list for westlife (done 2012)
3. To meet Shane Filan (done 2013)
4. Visit Dublin (done 2001)
5. Visit London (done 2009)
6. Visit Euro Disney with the kids
7. Go to an NFL game
8. Live in Aberdeen (done 2008)
9. To stand on a stage at a music venue (done 2001)
10. To take the kids to Disney Florida
I only have 3 things left to do before I complete my list.
What is on your bucket list?
Saturday, 12 July 2014
Choc Chick - great fun and full of yum
The lovely people at Choc Chick http://www.chocchick.com/ sent me over one of their fantastic chocolate making kits for me to review and for my two little monsters to have some fun in the kitchen.
The kit contains everything you need to make yummy healthy chocolate.
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Kids Kit |
The kit contains everything you need to make yummy healthy chocolate.
- Kids version of the choc raw recipe including ancient Aztec cocoa drinking recipe
- Organic raw cacao butter
- Organic raw cacao powder
- Sweet freedom
- 20 mini baking cases
- 3 cocoa beans
Even better this kit is - dairy free, Gluten free soya free,egg free,additive free, refined sugar free, and naturally high in antioxidants
There is a recipe book included in the kit too giving easy instructions.
My children were so excited about making the chocolate. Since my husband is a chef he took over the making of the chocolate and I was the designated photographer and taster :)
Making the chocolate was simple. My husband measured out the butter and powder. He used a pot to boil water in and put a bowl on top to melt the butter and added the powder and the sweet freedom syrup and mixed until it was all melted.
It only took 20 minutes to make and the outcome was greatly received :)
The kids love the chocolate as do me and daddy.
To find this and many other lovely yummy kits please visit http://www.chocchick.com/
To buy the kit I used go to http://www.chocchick.com/choc-chicos-dairy-free-chocolate-making-kit-for-kids.html
Thursday, 10 July 2014
We all have the one outfit we really want!
I have been having a look on the Next website today (http://www.next.co.uk/) I like to have a nosey every so often :) and I thought hmm why not create a wish list and share it with you. So here it is.
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Jersey Cami |
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Patent point shoes |
What do you think of this outfit? I love it. Why not share yours?
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Finally on the course!!
Today I received the email I have been waiting for since March! I have been enrolled in the Stress control class at my local college!! This is a self referral group which was recommended to me by my sister.
All you need to do is check with your local health board to see if they offer the free classes. Most health boards will offer something similar,
The class I will be attending focuses on the following:
All you need to do is check with your local health board to see if they offer the free classes. Most health boards will offer something similar,
The class I will be attending focuses on the following:
- Information about stress
- Boosting self confidence
- How to control your body
- How to control your thoughts
- Controlling panic
- Controlling sleep problems
The class runs for 6 weeks, one 90 minute session per week.
I am looking forward to this and to learning new techniques to cope with stress.
People from Lanarkshire you can find classes here http://www.vaslan.org.uk/newsart/nhs-lanarkshire-stress-control-classes
Please check with your GP or local health authority for classes near you.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Brilliant news
Today we got some amazing news..... my husband was offered a job!!
Anyone who knows me will tell you how long we have waited for this day!!
Such a weight has been lifted off our shoulders and we can finally put the last few, hard, years behind us.
its full time, 5 days a week this means we can have a life again
We can take the children on holiday, save for our own house...the list is endless
I am so happy right now
Anyone who knows me will tell you how long we have waited for this day!!
Such a weight has been lifted off our shoulders and we can finally put the last few, hard, years behind us.
its full time, 5 days a week this means we can have a life again
We can take the children on holiday, save for our own house...the list is endless
I am so happy right now
Friday, 4 July 2014
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