Both my children love learning new things and I like to sit with them reading, going over the alphabet and the likes. With Liam being in primary one I have always wanted to be able to continue the work he does at school in the house that way he isn't been taught different things that might confuse him. This is where Twinkl comes in.
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Friday, 27 February 2015
Good Nights Sleep.
As you know from a previous post, I suffer from back problems. Getting comfortable at night can be hard, especially when my back is playing up. I use two pillows and for a while they helped me to lie in the correct position but quickly lost shape meaning I was back to square one. Until now.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Children's Mental Health
We all know how mental health conditions affect adults and the impact it has on their lives, but what about children who are living with the same conditions?
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
PressurePoint by Kyrobak
After I had Liam in 2010 I started to feel some niggles in my lower back and after having Sophie it got worse. My doctor sent me for an xray and when that came back clear he put it down to muscular problems. I was eventually referred to a physiotherapist who gave me some exercises to do, which do help, but I felt I needed something to help me when I was sitting for long periods of times as my back has a tendency to lock.
February Degustabox
I received my February Degustabox. When I got my email saying it would be delivered today I was rather excited as I had a months break. The thing I love most about these boxes is you never know what is going to be in there. I love a nice surprise
Saturday, 21 February 2015
The Great Outdoors
When I was younger my parents would take us out for long walks. We have plenty of wooded areas near where we stayed and we would spend hours walking and exploring. Now that I have children of my own I like to do the same with them.
Friday, 20 February 2015
T-shirt Design Kits for Kids
I love finding new ways to keep the children entertained and if it is an activity where they can be creative and put their own stamp on something then that is even better. They love to draw and paint so I had a look and found the perfect activity to have fun with.
The White Lodge Centre
When I was younger I would attend the local youth group every week and would have a great time with my friends. When I had my children I looked for local playgroups and toddler groups to take them to so they could play and socialise. I also noticed that some town had centres for children to go to, a large scale playgroup. One thing I noticed was the lack of centres for children and adults with disabilities to attend.
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
My Goals For 2015
I am not usually one for setting goals for the year as I normally give up quickly. This year I have decided to give it a try and stick to it this time. I seem to have more determination now and writing this blog has helped me to think about what I want from life.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Mental health update.
I received my Mind supporters magazine in the post today. I like to keep up with the latest news and developments. Coming straight from the charity I know I am getting the facts and I don't really trust newspaper reports to keep me updated. In today's issue I came across some news and statistics I wanted to share with you.
Monday, 16 February 2015
A New Collection
I am a massive Miami Dolphins fan. They are amazing. American football is a great sport, so engaging, you can't help but get hooked on the game. I have a scarf and a Dolphins replica jersey. I recently added something else to my collection.
Elite Bands
When it comes to planning your wedding, there are so many things to consider. Venue, the dress, bridesmaid dresses, flowers and food. What about the music?
I have heard people talking about mindfulness and how it has helped them. So I decided to find out more about it. Here is what I found.
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Nice Afternoon
We had a nice afternoon at my parent's house. Yesterday was my dad's birthday but it was decided that we would have a family meal today instead.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Why I don't smoke
When I was at high school some of my friends smoked, as did many of my year. I tried it once and thought it was disgusting. I never nagged my friends to stop smoking as it was their choice at the end of the day.
I made an omelette
I have never been confident when it comes to cooking from scratch. With James being a chef it has always been easier for me to let him cook. Don't get me wrong I do cook but I always have James keep and eye on me. When it comes to using a knife I am a complete wuss. Tonight though, I decided to change that. I made an omelette.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Old Town Hypnotherapy
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Busy Day
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As you know I haven't been well recently. I have been loaded with that nasty cold that is going around just now. Last Tuesday afternoon I was at A&E as my peak flow had dropped ( I have asthma) but after a chest xray, ECG and blood tests it was diagnosed as bad congestion! Later that night I was back in again with bad abdominal pain which the doctor put down to my acid reflux. I am falling apart!
I Love Reading.
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From the moment I could read I have loved it. When I was younger you would find me in the library every week getting a new book. I have lost count of the books I have read over the years. Since having the children I haven't read as much but today I bought myself a new book and I can't wait to start it.
Monday, 9 February 2015
It can be quite hard at times to find clothes my husband likes. James is very tall and thin but he has very broad shoulders. I have spent many hours looking online to find Tshirts that he will like and will look good on him. After yet another search we came across a great website that has tshirts that he likes.
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Quick Note
Hi everyone.
Hope you are all well.
I haven't been updating the blog much over the last week as I have been unwell, as have the kids. Hopefully everyone will be back to normal, or as close to, this week.
If you are over on my Facebook page you can now leave a review letting me know what you think of the blog and please let me know what you would like me to cover or to leave out.
My Facebook can be found here
Angela x
Hope you are all well.
I haven't been updating the blog much over the last week as I have been unwell, as have the kids. Hopefully everyone will be back to normal, or as close to, this week.
If you are over on my Facebook page you can now leave a review letting me know what you think of the blog and please let me know what you would like me to cover or to leave out.
My Facebook can be found here
Angela x
Saturday, 7 February 2015
Art and crafts
I have always been into drawing and art but when it comes to crafts such as knitting or making fantastic models I have never had the confidence.
Having 2 young children I want to try and overcome my strange fear of crafts and just go for it. I know exactly who I can turn to for help.
Blogger Spotlight
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5 cheap things to do on Valentine's Day |
With Valentine's day just around the corner, here are Samantha's top ideas to make it fun on a budget.
If you’re in a relationship then Valentine’s Day can be a
real treat. However, it can also be a complete nightmare; everything is way
more expensive than usual and the expectations set by previous years and other
couples can be too high. Restaurants put their prices up, it’s difficult to get
a table and you’re still skint from Christmas. A lot of people moan that it’s
too commercial and so refuse to celebrate it but I think it’s nice to take the
excuse to spend the day/night with your partner. When you have busy lives with
jobs, kids, etc, you can sometimes forget to take time for each other and so
make 14th February a day to spend together. But you don’t have to
(and probably shouldn’t) spend a fortune. Here are five things you can do on Valentine’s
Day if you’re on a budget…
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Happy First Birthday
Today the blog is one year old. I can't believe it has been a year since I started writing.
It has been a crazy year with plenty of ups and downs along the way but it only made me stronger!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the year and I hope I have helped you or a loved one in some way.
Angela x
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Dettol - Baby Blanket Donation
When Liam was a tiny newborn I had a favourite blanket I would use for him. It was a light blue cellular blanket and it went everywhere with him. I would put it over him in the pram when we were out and about, sitting in his bouncy chair or even when he had a nap. When Sophie came along she had the same blanket but in pink. The blankets would get washed 4 times a week. I always thought washing them often would help stop bacteria and germs.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Magners Update
As you know I had issues recently with a competition I entered with Blippar and Magners. I had sent various emails with screen shots of the win and time and date of entry. Today they got back to me with the following response.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
I have suffered with IBS since 2006, not long after my diagnosis with anxiety. The doctor was quick to tell me what was causing my pain and that it was linked to stress. I was on medication for that which did work for a while. Once the anxiety calmed down so did the IBS. I remember thinking "if only there was one supplement that could fix both"
What a lovely keepsake.
I am quite a sentimental person and like to keep hold of items from my children's days as babies. As they get older I am always on the look out for things to add. I think it is nice for them to have keepsakes as when they are older they can look back and get an idea of what their childhood was like and how much they were loved. I have recently came across a company who offer something that is different to the rest.
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