Wednesday 25 February 2015

February Degustabox

I received my February Degustabox.  When I got my email saying it would be delivered today I was rather excited as I had a months break.  The thing I love most about these boxes is you never know what is going to be in there.  I love a nice surprise
So here is what I got in this months box.

Schwartz Flavour Shots
I received the Spanish Paella and Indian Mild Masala Curry.
We can't wait to try these little pots of yumminess to create 2 lovely dishes.
Once we have used them I will share the recipes with you.
£1.40 for 2

Jack Link's Beef Jerky
I have always wanted to try this out of curiosity.
These beef snacks were made for people on the go so they could have a tasty snack when busy.  The beef is seasoned with herbs and spices.

Melba Thins
I love a good healthy option that is still full of flavour.
Melba thins are slices of crisp toast.  I am going to add some
ham to mines, or maybe some goats cheese. The toppings are endless.

Lily O'Brien's
I love love love Lily O'Brien's chocolates.
In today's box there was a bag of their Cocoa Cookie Crunch.
You have to try their chocolates, best ever!
I have hidden these from the children hehe.

Beet It
The number one nitrate brand in the world. These little bars contain beetroot juice which is proven to lower blood pressure and improve performance. I will certainly be trying these.
£1.85 for 2

Laimon Fresh
Lemon, Lime and Mint flavoured drink.
This is crisp and refreshing.  I really like the flavours.
All natural ingredients is always a good thing.

American Muffin Company
These little muffins didn't last 5 minutes once the kids set eyes on them, and that includes the husband being the biggest kid.
Gluten and wheat free the muffins are still packed with yumminess.

Whole Earth
Three nut butter (cashew, hazelnut and peanut)
I am not a fan of peanut butter but James and the children like it.
With no added sugars I don't mind them having some.
Also suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
**not suitable for those with nut allergies

Peanut Hottie
The worlds first peanut butter hot drink.
With a mix of American peanuts this drink it a little different to the norm.
This will be used by my husband and possibly the kids.
**not suitable for those with nut allergies

Overall I am very happy with this month's box.  What do you think of the contents?  I have a money off voucher for anyone who is interested.


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  1. Sounds like a good box this month. Sometimes they can be pretty random can't they?

    I've got some of that peanut hottie, it seemed like a good idea at the time but I haven't actually tried it yet.

    1. I quite like this month's box. They certainly can be random. A few times I have had energy drinks which I give away as no-one on my house drinks them.
      The peanut hottie is for my hubby lol I am not a fan of peanuts x

  2. I do like the idea of these but would worry my cupboards would be full of the things we didn't like! I do have to try some of that peanut butter though it sounds amazing!

    1. I tnd to give the stuff we wont use away to family. once my husband has tried the peanut butter I will let you know he thinks x

  3. there are some things that I would quite like to try in there.

  4. Looks like a good selection this month. I would have been pleased if I received it :)

    1. It's great. I am looking forward to using the Schwartz flavour pots to make a nice meal x

  5. ooo we love Jack Link's Beef Jerky - they make such a great snack

    1. I am going to try it tomorrow. I will let you know what I think of it x

  6. I'd be worried about waste if there were items that we didn't like - we tend to steer clear of packet stuff anyway, too leery about what's hidden in there!

    1. I have been lucky with the products I have received in the boxes. I have to be careful with fat content but this box has been quite good that way.

  7. Some interesting things. Can't imagine what a peanut hot drink would be like. I love peanut butter though so would be good to try.

    1. It's an unusual one isn't it? I will let you know what my hubby thinks of it x

  8. I like the sound of the three nut butter x

    1. The three nut butter was opened this morning and the kids love it so it must be good lol x

  9. Liking the sound of the peanut drink

  10. There is a varied combination in your box. I'd like a bit more choice in what I received. Can you for example say you don't like nuts or chocolate and they won't send those in future boxes?

    1. Hi. When I signed up for mines I could tick if I didn't want nut products and I could also write if I had any allergies x

  11. Nice selection - I love the look of the three nut butter, yum!

    1. The three nut butter seems to be a popular one! My kids love it on toast x

  12. This sounds like a great box, I had one a while ago and I was really impressed xx

  13. That looks a rather cool and interesting box this month. Some of them I've seen people get look a bit dissapointing

    1. It was a really good box this month. Everyone is different in what they like. I don't like getting the energy drinks in mines x

  14. I still can't get my head around the name - really puts me off

    1. The name of the box is strange but Degusta means tasting in Spanish :) x

  15. I have tried this once or twice but all the time would get boring for me

    They do have some great products though sometimes

    1. I took a months break from it and got this one as its my last. We got some good stuff and some I didnt use x

  16. I have heard so much about these boxes. It does look interesting.

    1. They are great, This month's box has gone down well in this house x

  17. I love the variety you get in these, makes them really worth while

    1. The variety can be great! I love the surprise each month x
