Sunday, 12 June 2016

The Lost Smile

In Scotland we have an initiative called Child Smile which provides dental services to nurseries, schools and even have a child smile dentist in many dental surgeries.  They also look after your baby's first teeth when they come in.  Talking to your children about looking after their teeth is something we all need to do and we all know children don't always want to listen, I know my two have selective hearing!.  This is were Wrigley's come in with their new project - Smile Back.

The Extra Smile Back Project aims to protect children’s smiles by donating money from every pack of sugarfree gum sold during the promotional period to charity partner Action for Children. The monies will be used to create and run oral health workshops, endorsed by the Oral Health Foundation. With this activity Wrigley aims to protect the smiles of over 10,000 children and 5,000 parents across the UK.

They have also created their very own story book, The Lost Smile, which will be given to children across the UK in areas where there are high rates of tooth decay.  I was lucky to receive a copy and my son Liam sat his sister down and read it to her.  They were giggling and smiling away, which is the exact response I was looking for.  I love seeing them smile.

The story is about a little boy called Kyle who lives with his Mum, Dad and sister and he does on a mission to find their missing smiles.  The book is very sweet with nice bright illustrations and clear message that our smiles are important.

You can find out more about this wonderful campaign over on their website.

I have also been given 10 copies of the book to giveaway.  The competition will run until the end of June and the winners will receive their copy in July.

**please note all winners will receive their copy of the book in July. Please allow 28 days for delivery**


  1. Looking after teeth is so important, isn't it? People are so much better educated about it these days.

    1. It really is. I always remember people in my class getting a little pink or blue dissolving capsule that helped their teeth and being jealous that I never got one lol. Looking back I now know why they got it!

  2. I wish there can was something like this in England. I don't think many people stop and think that when their teeth go rotten they don't grow back!

    1. Luckily this project is UK wide. With regards to Child Smile, I am surprised it is not across the UK as it really does work. I agree, not many people give it a thought and then regret it when their teeth go bad x

  3. Once your adult teeth grow in, that's it - I've always been conditioned to look after my teeth!

    1. Exactly, once the adult teeth are in it's the only ones you get. I have a gap but that was due to the adult tooth not coming through when I lost my baby tooth (aged 26!) they don't know why lol. I think people need educated on looking after their teeth x

  4. I am obsessive about my kids teeth after suffering badly myself so I scrub them. Makes me happy to see campaigns like this.

    1. I'm the same, I make sure they are brushed properly morning and night. We got a permission form out from my sons school asking if child smile can give him a fluoride varnish every so many months and of course I said yes, same for my daughter at nursery x

  5. So important to make sure children brush their teeth properly.

  6. What a lovely idea, dental health is so important and instiling it at a young age is a great idea

    1. It is a wonderful project. I remember brushing my children's teeth when they first came in and continued that until they could do it themselves (with observation) x

  7. I grew up with a fear of Dentists, but worked hard to hide it so my boys didn't have the same issues. I guess that teeth out under gas (in the olden days) really put me off them!

    1. My husband is the same, he has an intense fear of the dentist. Luckily our kids quite like going. I am not a fan myself but can't handle toothache x

  8. It's soooo important to get kids thinking seriously about their teeth at a young age. It can make a difference between loads of cavities and healthy teeth forever.

    1. It is really important. I have heard stories about children having to have many teeth removed as they were full of cavities etc and it was upsetting to see.

  9. What a great campaign - my two are OK with the dentists which is more than I can say for me ;-)

    1. It really is a great campaign. Going to the dentist is not exactly up there with fun things to do lol but it needs to be done. Must admit, I want a sticker for being a clever girl at my next check up haha x

  10. Seeing others Happy. Children enjoying play.Pets. Comedy etc.

    Rachel Craig

  11. Replies
    1. aww what a sweet answer. my answer would be my kids. They are always guaranteed to make you smile on a bad day x

  12. My grandsons always make me smile

  13. I spend time with my nieces on Sunday afternoons

  14. grooming my cat and making it look beautiful!

  15. Playing silly games with my niece and three nephews. All under four years old. Fun (and exhausting).

    1. Wow, they will certainly keep you busy but make you smile loads too :) x

  16. Lots of things but seeing the grandchildren is one

    1. awww lovely. My mum and Dad say the same, seeing the grandkids makes their day x

  17. Replies
    1. Kids really know how to make us laugh and smile x

  18. The things kids say never fails to make me smile. Recently my mum had a visit from her great grandchildren who live away, she hasn't seen them for about 2 years, she had some sweets on the side for them. "Who's sweets are those" said the oldest, mum replied "one pkt for you Emma and one for David" Emma promptly turned to her dad and whispered loudly "she knows our names" 😁😁

    1. awww hahaha brilliant. Kids say and do the funniest thing x

  19. Seeing that my family are happy

  20. My Family and also finishing work on a Friday afternoon for the weekend :)

    1. I used to love running out the office on a Friday lol. Family always x

  21. Eating good food with good people. It's good for the soul!

  22. My guinea pigs running up to the kitchen squeaking for their breakfast every morning! (@PeanutHog)

    1. awwww I love guinea pigs, they are just so so cute! x

  23. My kids make my happy :)

  24. Replies
    1. They always know what to say or do to make us smile x

  25. Spencer Broadley28 June 2016 at 14:37

    Good old 70s/80s sitcoms

    1. They don't make them like that anymore. I love the old sitcoms compared to what we have now!x

  26. My children. My son who is 3 comes out with some funny things. My daughter who is 19 weeks makes me smile every time I look at her!

    1. 3 is a brilliant age, they just get funnier don't they?! Aww I remember when my 2 were babies and watching them discover all the new things around them was fantastic x

  27. angela edmonds29 June 2016 at 08:55

    my three grandsons xxxx

  28. My little one when he wakes up in the morning with a big smile on his face :)

    1. Seeing your child/children smile is always guaranteed to make you happy. My 2 are crazy lol x

  29. My children ( most of the time ) :-)

    1. Lol, I know the feeling. Kids are amazing though. My 2 certainly keep me on my toes! xx

  30. My nephew makes me smile ☺ xxx

  31. Philip Underwood29 June 2016 at 20:29

    My children and beautiful wife! I also smile at stunning coastlines!
