Tuesday 7 May 2024

Petition Update - Remove need for follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) blood tests before prescribing Hormone Replacement Therapy


Last year I started a a petition at the Scottish Parliament asking them to consider removing the use of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) blood test when diagnosing perimenopause/menopause. Due to this test being so unreliable, many women have been told, wrongly, that they are not experiencing menopause and are dismissed.  Left to struggle and suffer.  

I was one of those women. Thankfully a wonderful menopause specialist listened to me and took note of all my symptoms and prescribed me HRT.  Unfortunately, so many doctors are not this kind or this well educated when it comes to menopause and women's health in general.  Medical gaslighting is rife and it is getting worse instead of better.

The petition has ruffled a few feathers and I hope this continues to be the case,  

So far the Minister for Public Health and Women's Health, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and NHS Education for Scotland have made submissions, alongside the evidence I provided, which can be read here, has in fact proven what I have said..NICE guidelines state the FSH test may be used, however, many women aged between 40-45 are told they need the blood test before a diagnosis and treatment can be given.  This is after routine blood tests to rule out common causes have come back clear.  They are told that because they are in their 40s that it cannot possibly be hormone related. That it is anxiety and are given antidepressants, or they are told if they lose weight the symptoms will disappear.  

Being left with what is essentially a hormone deficiency can be harmful further down the line.  These hormones  are also essential in overall health for every system within the body,  Being left without HRT to replace the much needed hormones can cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and dementia. Doctors are ignoring these facts due to lack of knowledge or plain ignorance and personal opinion.  It is concerning that GPs are not sent for mandatory training in women's health.  It is optional at the moment.  Half of their patients are female and are trusting these doctors with their lives just to be dismissed.

I hope you can take a few seconds to sign the petition.  It is open to everyone who wishes to sign and support us in this journey in making positive change within women's health.

You can sign the petition here. Thank you

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