Friday, 12 June 2015

5 Top Tips For The Best Nights Sleep Ever

There are many people who are currently establishing bad sleeping habits into their daily routines, then wondering why they wake up each day tired and with low energy. The best way to improve your night sleep is to make that conscious effort during the day to give yourself the best possible chance to get an undisturbed night of rest every day. By establishing these 5 top tips for the best night sleep ever, you will begin waking up everyday revived, rested, and rejuvenated.

Determine Your Sleep Number

No one knows your body like you, and only you really know how many hours of sleep you need every day in order to tackle the day with an abundance of energy. Once you determine if you need 7, 8, or more hours of solid sleep, commit to those numbers and do not cut corners. If you need 8 hours of sleep, don't stay up later and promise yourself you will catch-up on the weekend. Stay consistent and sleep the same number of hours every night to improve the quality of your sleeping. Start a new schedule and commit to sticking to it.

Purchasing a New Mattress

Your mattress was intended to last around seven years, after that it loses the support structure that was designed to give your body the proper rest each night. When you buy a new mattress, you will notice immediately how the new support system alleviates any joint and muscle pain you have, allowing you to sleep more soundly through the night. Both you and your partner will not be awaken through the night with pains in the body, allowing each to sleep more soundly. Here is a link to a very good mattress buying guide on the Cut Price Mattresses blog, it's a worthwhile read for those of you serious about getting better sleep.

Stop Misusing Your Bed

Your bed should only be used for sleeping, not for watching television, reading books, or eating your meals. When you develop these bad habits, it can be a real challenge to fall asleep each night as bedtime approaches. You feel inclined to grab the remote control or turn on a reading lamp instead. Your body needs to be conditioned to the point that when you lie down in bed, it understands you will be settling down to fall asleep and not partake in distracting activities.

Turning Off the Mind

Look around the bedroom tonight at all the possible distractions. Night lights, headlights peeking through curtains, dogs barking in a neighbours garden, and other assorted sounds of the night. In order to turn off your mind and get a sound night's sleep, you have to block out all those distractions. Darken the room with heavier curtains or drapes, and invest in a small white noise machine for the end table. This little device will distract the mind from all the noises of the night and let you drift off to a sound sleep.

Before Bed Routine

If you want the body to wind down and drift off more easily, stop feeding it things that make it a challenge to sleep. Avoid any caffeine before bed, especially tea, soft drinks, or coffee. These energy boosting drinks will have you tossing and turning all night long. Eliminate alcohol or nicotine before bed because they will cause the body to spring to life only a few hours after falling asleep. Stop eating or drinking a few hours before bed to allow your internal organs to slow down and get prepared for the long night ahead.

If you follow the tips above you will find your sleep improve and you will feel much better too.


  1. I think my sleep number is about 12 right now as I just feel tired all of the time! x x

    1. My sleep has been all over the place with the hot weather but I managed 8 hours last night which is unusual for me xx

  2. My problem is I'm wide awake when I find finally go to bed but when I wake up in the morning I don't want to get out of bed!

  3. I need temperature control on my pillows, that is one thing guaranteed to wake me up, hot pillows x

    1. I can't stand hot pillows, I wake up and turn mines over! xx

  4. I am an insomniac and sometimes no matter what I do I can not sleep. A good nights sleep is often something I long for

    1. My husband can be like this. I really hope you get a good sleep soon xx

  5. I never seem to manage to get enough sleep - I need to try following these tips! x

    1. I still have the odd day where my sleep is terrible so I am also following these tips myself xx

  6. These are all good tips. Thankfully I tend to sleep very well - unless I'm woken by one of the kids or pets!

    1. Nice to hear you sleep well, what is your secret lol. Since having kids I hear every little noise, before kids a herd of elephants in my room wouldn't have woken me up lol x

  7. Great tips, I really struggle to get to sleep x

  8. I know that if our bedroom is a mess and cluttered I don't sleep as well. Recently our room has become a dumping ground again as we do some re-decoration - I'm not sleeping well at all :(

    1. Oh my goodness I am the same!! I Hope the decorating goes well, and quickly, for you xx

  9. i struggled for 15 years sleeping , never slept for more than 4 hours every night up until i quit smoking and stopped the caffeine before bed
    , now i sleep like a baby

    1. Congrats on quitting smoking! Im with you on the caffeine before bed, its a bad idea, i drink water x

  10. I am lucky that I fall asleep easily - just need small people to stop waking me up lol

    1. haha awww. small people think its a great game don't they lol x

  11. I keep trying to not use my phone before bed, when I do I think I definitely sleep better! xx

    1. I think so many people use their phone before bed, I know I have a habit of doing that sometimes. Mines is my alarm clock lol x

  12. My top tip - dont have kids!! Haha, really tho, I stick to a similar bedtime and get up time all week, and it definitely helps!

    1. I think routine is great, especially for the kids haha x

  13. Like the idea of having a sleep number - just need to achieve it now.

    1. It is a great idea isn't as it gives you a target x

  14. Replies
    1. It can be hard at times. Maybe try the above and see if it helps xx

  15. I really could do with a new mattress, I just wish they weren't so expensive....

    1. They can be very expensive! Worth it though for a good nights sleep xx

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