Monday 16 March 2015

Arranging A Charity Event

I love raising money for charity and over the years have taken part in various fundraising activities,performing in a cabaret act in 3 shows, charity quiz night and most recently a coffee morning, which I held in November last year.  Many charities have benefited from the money we raised and, as you know from my previous post, I am holding another coffee morning in May.

I know all too well how stressful it can be to arrange an event, so I have decided to write down some of the hints and tips that I use when planning my events.

  1. Choose your charity.  It is an obvious one I know but it really is the first step in the planning
  2. Choose your event.  So many ideas here.  You can have a coffee morning, quiz night, family fun day.  I could go on.  Choose the event you would enjoy and will have fun arranging.
  3. Pick a date.  Pick a date that suits you and gives you enough time to arrange everything.
  4. Choose a venue. Make a list of possible venues, church halls are quite good and accept most type of events.  Council run venues are good but can be pricey and you may need a license if alcohol will be made available and this will cost extra too.  
  5. Contact the charity. Let them know what event you will be holding, where and where.  Most will send you out materials for free such as T-shirts, balloons, banners, leaflets etc.  Also request a letter from them to show you are fundraising for them, many places ask for them.
  6. Make a list. If you are holding a raffle or auction, make a list of companies who you would like to request prize donations from.  Local companies may be more likely to help out.  Don't get upset if you get rejections, it's simply because the company support other charities and get inundated with loads of requests.
  7. On the day. Make sure you leave plenty of time to set up everything without getting flustered.Most importantly have fun, enjoy and be proud of yourself, you are doing an amazing thing!!

I could go on and on about how to arrange various events but the above tips can be applied to them all and should hopefully help you plan a fun, stress free, event!

**May event being held for Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland


  1. Great list! Your final point and especially about enjoying yourself is the most important that most people forget to stress.

    1. Thank you!! The first time I arranged my own event I got so stressed on the night I hardly remember a thing, that's why I now relax and have fun then everything else falls into place x

  2. I must admit I'm not a natural fundraiser, but your tips seem nice and easy.

    1. Thanks :) When I first started fundraising I found it hard but now I try to take it as easy as possible. The more you get stressed the harder it all seems x

  3. I must admit I'm not a natural fundraiser, but your tips seem nice and easy.

  4. Very organised list. You can tell your a pro. These are great tips :)

    1. Thanks :) Took me a while to get this relaxed about it lol x

  5. Some top tips there lovely, well done you x

  6. Good for you! I am always happy to help out when other people are running events but wouldn't have had a clue where to start arranging one myself - great tips!

    1. Thank you. When I was in the cabaret act other people organised it, thank goodness lol, but over the years it gets easier :) xx

  7. Lots of brilliant idea and tips here. Well done for doing so much for the community.

  8. You must be an ace fundraiser. My mum used to work for a charity, so I know how hard it can be

    1. I picked up a lot of the tips over the years and from my Aunt who does a fundraiser every year. It can be hard, but worth it x

  9. I've fundraised before but have to say I abhor having to organise events. Not because I can't, but because I get so worried about everything!!

    1. It can be very stressful. Dont get me wrong I still have a little hissy fit here and there but I do deal with it better now that I used to lol. Who did you fundraise for? x

  10. great list and well done, having been on the pfta it is hard and rewarding

  11. Some great tips - thank you for sharing- I'm always so impressed by people like you who do so much for your community.

  12. You're right, events can be so stressful. It's very useful having a list of tips to refer to.

    1. I was shocked at how stressful it was the first time I planned one but now it's good fun x

  13. I arrange a lot of events for the PFA and no one realises how much work actually goes into them

    1. Some people don't realise, it's not until they are trying to organise an event when they finally realise how hard it is x

  14. Some great tips Angela, and well done you for giving it your all and doing something so worthwhile x

    1. Awww thank you! I will let you know how it goes x

  15. Great tips. Such hard work but very worthwhile

  16. wow well done you! I really need to look into to doing something for family x

  17. What great tips for creating a fun event to raise money for charity! It sets such a good example, I should do something with my son. X

    1. awww thank you! You could have a mini bake sale and get him involved that way? x
