Sunday 22 June 2014

Emotional day tomorrow

Tomorrow is going to be very emotional. I know what people will think when they see the title of this post but it's not what you think.

My four year old son Liam graduates from nursery. A graduation from nursery I hear you say. yes. They make it fun for the children so the next step does not seem as scary.

They will be singing songs, receiving a book and having a party with their friends, see all good fun.

I will be sitting there crying my eyes out no doubt as I know my baby boy will be starting primary school in August and it feels like only yesterday we were bringing him home from hospital a tiny little bundle.

I must admit I am also very nervous, not because of anxiety as I have learned how to deal with that, but with my folic acid deficiency. It makes me so so tired and I feel dizzy and light headed at times.  I am worrying that I will let my son down if I become too ill to go. Yes my husband will be there with us but its the walk there and back that is likely to make me bad.

Don't get me wrong I am going but these worries are in the back of my mind. Well I have only been on the medication 6 days so not long and I have hardly left the house due to it.

I will update you tomorrow.


  1. your be fine hunny trust me x and you wont be letting him down at all x he will love big school btw my little one goes into year one in september :( it is emotional as they are growing to fast but at that age they love school as they make so many friends x take each day as it comes hun your be ok xx

    caroline from

    1. yeah they grow up far too quick for my liking lol. x

    2. my little girl is 5 defo goes quick seems like yesterday when i was pregnant

    3. .scary isn't it x sometimes i look at Liam and think are you really ready to go to school. I know he actually is but he just looks so tiny x
