Friday 27 June 2014

Hamilton football cup

As it's such a lovely day we had planned on going to the nursery fun day, however, Liam decided he would much rather go outside and play football.

I love the fact he wants to go out and play rather than sitting in the house watching television or playing on the tablet.  When I was young I was never in the house, I was always out playing with friends, skipping, running around and even kicking a ball around.

You read reports about obese children and if I am honest this really worries me. Don't get me wrong I am not someone who is skinny, far from it well I used to be, but I certainly do not want my children being my size!!

So we got ready and out we went. I was playing referee and official team photographer whilst Liam, Sophie and the big kid James aka my husband were running around having a fantastic time.

Standing there watching my children having a great time outside and enjoying physical activity made me incredibly happy.


  1. Being outside and active has such positive effects on all the family, and costs nothing - looks like you all had a great time.


    1. Oh definitely. Fresh air always makes me feel better.
      My kids always look happier after being outside.
