Tuesday 14 April 2015

Mental Health Wristbands

Earlier today I read a story that really angered me. A Tory PPC (parliamentary candidate for Cambridge) has suggested that those living with mental health conditions should be given wristbands indicating which condition they have.  

Chamali Fernando, an ex barrister, claims it would help professionals, such as lawyers, treat their clients differently based on the colour of their wristbands. She can't be serious!!  This angers me!!! People living with a mental health condition do not want to be treated differently. Bringing these in would only increase the negativity towards mental health. We are meant to be ending the stigma, not adding to it.

Would she treat someone who had a broken leg differently to someone who was 100% healthy? No I guarantee she wouldn't.  

She has to realise that those living with mental health conditions have families, have full time jobs and are very much like her, we are all human regardless of our health conditions should that be diabetes, asthma or depression.

I am not anxiety, I am me!

You can read the article in full here


  1. I think this poorly thought out campaign would far from helping people with mental heath, it would highlight them and cause a lot of unnecessary stress and heartache. As usual these policies are thought up by people who have no comprehension of the condition. Just awful.

    1. It is clear she does not understand the conditions and what something like this would do. People witht the conditions would become targets for hate and even violence. She is a disgrace! I can't see it being rolled out, well I hope not x

  2. This is the most ridiculous thing I've read all day!! It would just increase the stigma, not help to remove it, and I would refuse to wear one!! I don't know how they'd enforce it either?!

    1. I was so so angry when I read the article! I would also refuse to wear one also...might get a t-shirt made saying "I have anxiety...so what?" lol x

  3. Unbelievable - amazing what some people think is acceptable isn't it?

    1. I don't understand why she thinks it's acceptable. Her so called reason makes no sense at all. She clearly does not understand these conditions. What next?!

  4. Sadly nothing the Tories say or do surprises me any more.

    Just another example of how completely out of touch, insensitive and prone to stigmatisation they are.

    1. We need to get them out, it is getting ridiculous now

  5. You wouldn't discriminate against a woman or a man or the colour of someone's skin, so this is ridiculous!

  6. I haven't read the article, so can't comment fully, but part of me sees where this comes from. As an example, they have bands and tags for people with things like diabetes so medics know how to treat them. Whilst a wrist band is a bit OTT, something to indicate you have mental health problems to a professional, rather than having to spell it out for them, would be handy. I know I had a complete break down once in a shop with the manager, he was such an arse, but I was suffering from severe depression and perhaps, had he noticed a sign of it that was more obvious than the thoughts inside of my head, perhaps it would have been different. Or perhaps he was just a git!!

    1. I know you can get cards that fit in your purse or wallet and list the medication you are on and that is discreet but a wristband is a bit more obvious. I hope you are doing better now and he sounds like a right git xx

  7. OMG, that is such a ridiculous campaign. I don't agree with it at all x

    1. I was so angry and shocked when I read it. I still am x

  8. This does sound ridiculous and incredibly insensitive. I guess there is a positive side to it though in that it's raising awareness of mental health issues.

  9. No way! It must be a (late) April fool trick!! I can't believe that, how crazy and awful x

    1. I wish it was a late April fool trick! Someone people need to educate themselves before making plans like this x

  10. Just just I have no words and if someone tried to make me ware anything that signified my mental health issues, I wouldn't be happy. What a great way to increase the stigma!

  11. i love the idea of these whristbands and there are so many for so many different causes its great to cover them all

    1. If the wristbands where being sold to support mental health charities then I would buy one but with these people are being labelled as they would have "schizophrenic" on it for example so people know thats the condition the person has.

  12. This is so wrong! Why would anyone with a mental health condition want everyone around to know about it? It's not like telling people your blood group, or that you have diabetes - that could save someone's life, but a mental health one would probably just add to the anxiety. If I suffered from a mental health condition, I'd hate people knowing and most likely judging me based on that.

    1. Don't get me wrong I am not ashamed that I have anxiety and, obviously, don't hide the fact. That said I wouldnt wear a wristband with anxiety on it. This is one of the silliest ideas I have ever heard it still angers me

  13. its an utterly stupid thing to say to suggest stigmatising conditions and people that are suffering with them .. isn't life hard enough?!

    1. mental health charities work hard to end the stigma and this woman comes along and wants to add to it, makes me furious

  14. I dont think this campaign would work, I am sure it would cause discrimination

    1. it wouldn't work at all, i cant see how she thought it would

  15. The stigma still exists and its shocking to hear how some people react. The stigma stops people talking about it, and bottling things up usually only makes things get worse.

    1. It still exists and with these wristbands it would just get worse. They should be concentrating on making sure people with MH conditions get the help, support and advise they need, not branding them!

  16. I heard about this and just cannot believe it was even suggested...ridiculous.

  17. Such a ridiculous statement made by somebody with no clear understanding or empathy. Made me throw shoes at the telly when I heard!

    1. It is unreal that in this day and age the stigma still exists and people like her think its ok to brand others.

  18. This is probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!

  19. OMG what a crazy idea!
    I simply can't believe someone actually came up with this ridiculous proposal.

    1. It makes you wonder doesn't it. utter madeness x
